Anonymous ID: e81ecf Jan. 3, 2020, 8:33 p.m. No.7709545   🗄️.is 🔗kun


>looks tedious rather than difficult but once learned pretty easy to do.

most difficult part is discerning what is notable, most of the time anons will not nominate everything, and sometimes anons will nominate garbage (always have to check sauce when baking or you will get rightfully called out. except rainman, he always calls you a clown.)

you can bake "safe" at like 680 postcount until you get the hang of it then you can start getting the timing more clutch and 751 snipes and so on.


>Do I need to sign up to Pastebin to bake?

no. Guest paste is based paste. namefagging on pastebin is traditionally acceptable though.


>Do you have the address where I can practice baking.



>The link on the 'how to' stuff is 8ch.

the graphics are good, but i personally have never read through that stuff