Anonymous ID: fd7e14 Jan. 3, 2020, 8:50 p.m. No.7709687   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9763

LAFARGE—sum of all fears?


CNN in its article, “US conducts airstrike on weapons storage site as troops pull out of Syria,” notes that (emphasis added):


“On Oct. 16, after all Coalition personnel and essential tactical equipment departed, two Coalition F-15Es successfully conducted a pre-planned precision airstrike at the Lafarge Cement Factory to destroy an ammunition cache, and reduce the facility’s military usefulness,” US Army Col. Myles Caggins, a spokesman for the US-led military coalition fighting ISIS, confirmed in a statement Wednesday.


And indeed the airstrike eliminated the facility’s military usefulness once and for all.



Missing from CNN’s article was the long and dubious backstory of the Lafarge facility.


In a 2018 Guardian article titled, “Lafarge charged with complicity in Syria crimes against humanity,” it was reported that the company had paid terrorists including members of the so-called “Islamic State” (ISIS) millions of Euros in protection money, bought supplies from them, and may even have sold cement to them.


The article noted:


The French cement giant Lafarge was charged on Thursday with complicity in crimes against humanity and financing terrorists, for allegedly paying millions to jihadists, including the Islamic State group, to keep a factory open in war-torn Syria.


what if its linked to this, sum of all fears?


The US is allegedly looking into ways to remove 50 B61 nuclear gravity bombs that it keeps in the Incirlik Air Base in Turkey



LafargeHolcim Cement Group refutes ISIS-funding claims

Local | 2016-11-17 19:02:02

Hydrazine was not the only dangerous material in the French Cement plant, there was radiating materials inside many laboratory equipment as well as Gama matrix Device in the crasher and density measuring device, which all were under regular supervision by the Atomic Energy Commission in Syria


Sources confirm that no one has an idea about the fate of those devices and the radiating material inside them, as inexpert moving of those devices could distribute dangerous radiation and harmful to people and the environment.


Lafarge Cement Syria that was established in Jalibeh town, between Ras Alain and Ain Arab "Kobani", 160 km away from Aleppo, has since 2013, been under many controlling bodies with different agendas.


The plant had become out of areas controlled by the Syrian regime in 2013 when it was taken by People‘s Protection Units “YPG”, the armed wing of the Democratic Union party “PYD” which is the Syrian branch of Kurdistan Workers’ Party “PKK”.


However, in September 19, 2014, the Islamic State “ISIS” managed to control the plant, to lose it again and YPG controlled it in Spring 2015.


Two US F-15 fighter jets carried out an airstrike on a US munitions storage bunker at Lafarge Cement Factory, located between Kobani and Ain Issa, Syria.


“On Oct. 16, after all Coalition personnel and essential tactical equipment departed, two Coalition F-15Es successfully conducted a pre-planned precision airstrike at the Lafarge Cement Factory to destroy an ammunition cache, and reduce the facility’s military usefulness,” US Army Col. Myles Caggins, a spokesman for the US-led military coalition fighting ISIS, said in a statement.


On Oct. 16, after all #Coalition personnel and essential tactical equipment departed, two Coalition F-15Es successfully conducted a pre-planned precision airstrike at the Lafarge Cement Factory to destroy an ammunition cache and reduce the facility’s military usefulness.


— OIR Spokesman Col. Myles B. Caggins III (@OIRSpox) October 16, 2019


The pre-planned airstrike was likely needed because US troops were fleeing the battlefield so fast that they had no time to evacuate all their equipment and destroy facilities.

US conducts airstrike on weapons storage site as troops pull out of Syria

Barbara Starr-Profile-Image

By Barbara Starr and Ryan Browne, CNN


Updated 2329 GMT (0729 HKT) October 16, 2019

Anonymous ID: fd7e14 Jan. 3, 2020, 9:01 p.m. No.7709765   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9801


i was blown away by hwndu raid

learned about from internet historian on youtube

also the Bikelockfaglet caught by anons on pol


anons, ww, but lets face it mostly american, has used open source everything to solve problems that Billon dollar CLowns couldnt do without leaving a (you) implicating (them) in the evidence


thats when i knew everything changed.

thats why they are so angry


they are trying to centralize power but its being ripped away by decentralization. power to the peop[l;e