Anonymous ID: 28bfde Jan. 3, 2020, 10:12 p.m. No.7710264   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0308 >>0365 >>0551 >>0675 >>0745

Did the Deep State Use FISA Warrants to Spy on Trump’s Personal Lawyer Rudy Giuliani?


Government prosecutors left open the possibility that FISA warrants were used to spy on Lev Parnas, Igor Fruman, David Correia and Andrey Kukushkin, the four individuals who were indicted in October and charged with campaign finance violations for taking foreign donations. A 21-page indictment was unsealed in October and prosecutors alleged the four men tied to Giuliani were ‘engaged in political activities in the US on behalf of one or more Ukrainian government officials.’


Feds from the SDNY responded to a motion filed by Kukushkin on behalf of all defendants and said the government may have used FISA warrants to spy on all four of the defendants, (including Giuliani?). “More importantly, as the Government has repeatedly informed the defendants, it does not intend to use any information that was obtained or derived from FISA or other forms of surveillance identified by Kukushkin, nor does the Government anticipate having any classified discovery or the need to file a Classified Information Procedures Act (“CIPA”) motion. That is sufficient to meet the Government’s obligations under the applicable laws, and there is no basis identified in Kukushkin’s motion or otherwise to require anything more. For those reasons, and the reasons set forth below, Kukushkin’s motion should be denied.” – SDNY prosecutors said.


The feds then claimed they won’t rely on FISA warrants at trial and that the defendants are not entitled to know. “With respect to FISA, the Government has complied with its obligations under Section 1806 in this case. On December 1, 2019, the Government notified defense counsel that it did not intend to use any FISA-obtained or FISA-derived information against the defendants at trial.” – SDNY prosecutors wrote.


Rudy Giuliani is currently under a federal criminal investigation, including a counterintelligence probe. The FBI is conducting a CI investigation into Rudy Giuliani to find out “whether a foreign influence operation was trying to take advantage of Giuliani’s business ties in Ukraine and with wealthy foreigners to make inroads with the White House,” yet there was no investigation into the Bidens even though there is overwhelming evidence of a pay-to-play scheme involving Ukraine.


Josh Gerstein twitter

PDF in this tweet

Anonymous ID: 28bfde Jan. 3, 2020, 10:34 p.m. No.7710425   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Israel, Cyprus, Greece sign $5.8bn gas pipeline deal


Turkey has said any project that disregards Ankara "cannot succeed"


Cyprus President Nicos Anastasiades, Greek Prime Minister Kyriakos Mitsotakis and Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu attended in Athens Thursday the signing ceremony for the accord to construct the Eastern Mediterranean natural gas pipeline. The 1,900-kilometre (1,181 miles) link will connect recently discovered, and to-be-found, gas fields in the Eastern Mediterranean basin with European markets through Cyprus, Greece, and Italy. The project is being developed by IGI Poseidon, a joint venture of Greece’s state-owned supplier Depa and Edison. Italy is set to sign the agreement at a later date. “Today, we did not just sign an advantageous agreement, but also cemented our decision for strategic engagement in a region that’s in need of cooperation,” Mr Mitsotakis said at the ceremony. “EastMed is not a threat to anyone.”


The accord comes just as tensions are increasing in the region after Turkey’s contentious agreement that delineates maritime borders with Libya and affirms claims to areas of the Mediterranean the pipeline may cross. The three signatory countries all oppose the deal. Israel’s cooperation with Cyprus & Greece “adds to security and prosperity in the region” and “we are not turning against any other country,” Mr Netanyahu said. The deal allows for other countries to join the project, Mr Anastasiades said.


EastMed is not intended to send a message to Turkey, but to promote cooperation in the energy sector at a regional level, Greek Energy Minister Kostis Hatzidakis said December 24. Turkey’s foreign ministry spokesman Hami Aksoy said the agreement was a “futile” attempt to exclude Turkey and the breakaway Turkish Cypriot state from the energy projects in the region, adding that Turkish Cypriots have equal rights to the island’s natural resources. “Turkey is the most commercially feasible and secure route for the utilisation of the natural resources in the Eastern Mediterranean and their transfer to the consumer markets in Europe, including Turkey,” Mr Aksoy said in a written statement late Thursday. Any project that disregards Turkey “cannot succeed,” he said. The accord includes a clause for ensuring the security of the pipeline’s operations and contains a single regulatory framework for the facilitation of the project and a common tax regime that will govern it.


Gas purchase

Depa also signed on January 2 with Energean Oil & Gas a letter of intent for the potential sale and purchase of 2 billion cubic meters of natural gas per year from Energean’s fields in offshore Israel. The deal is considered a step for the project’s commercial viability and its realisation. The amount represents 20 per cent of the pipeline’s initial capacity of 10 bcm a year. IGI Poseidon in December agreed to fast-track the development of the EastMed pipeline and take a final investment decision within two years. The European Union has said it supports the project because it will help diversify its gas supplies and boost energy security. The target of the pipeline is to transport 20 bcm a year while the budget for the initial capacity stage is €5.2 billion ($5.81bn). US Secretary of State Michael Pompeo also underlined American backing for the pipeline when he attended a Cyprus-Greece-Israel trilateral summit in Jerusalem in March.

Anonymous ID: 28bfde Jan. 3, 2020, 10:53 p.m. No.7710536   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0551 >>0675 >>0745

Oil surges more than 4% after US air strikes kill Iran's top military commander

The rally comes after a week of escalating tensions between Washington and Tehran


Oil prices surged close to three-month highs on Friday after the US announced it had killed Iran's top military commander following air strikes near Baghdad airport. Brent was up 4.12 per cent and trading at $68.98 per barrel, while West Texas Intermediate was up 3.74 per cent at $63.47 per barrel at 5.31pm UAE time.


The death of Qassem Suleimani, who headed the Quds Force within the Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps early morning on Friday in the Iraqi capital is expected to escalate tensions between the US and Iran, which has been on the boil for some time. Brent rose close to the $69 mark it reached following the September 14 attacks on Saudi Aramco's oil facilities, which temporarily wiped out 5 per cent of global supply. Washington had blamed Tehran for the attacks, which caused Brent to surge 16 per cent in intra-day trading.


US President Donald Trump tweeted an image of the US flag, while the Pentagon confirmed Suleimani's death. “At the direction of the president, the US military has taken decisive defensive action to protect US personnel abroad by killing Qasem Soleimani, the head of the Iranian Revolutionary Guard Corps-Quds Force, a US-designated Foreign Terrorist Organisation,” the Pentagon said in a statement. Iran, which is expected to retaliate to the killing of its top commander believed to be the main implementer of Tehran's military strategy in Syria and Iraq has denounced his killing. Iranian foreign minister Javad Zarif called the attack on Suleimani "an act of international terrorism" and said it was an "extremely dangerous and a foolish escalation".The US attack follows a week of tensions in Iraq, where protestors stormed the US embassy in Baghdad on Tuesday in retaliation for strikes against the Iran-aligned Kataib Hezbollah militia group. Hundreds of supporters and members of Iraq’s Kataib Hezbollah militia breached the outer compound wall of the embassy in Baghdad and set it on fire on Tuesday. Washington deployed 750 troops to the country to fortify its position in the country in response. The protest from the pro-Iranian militia supporters marked a new escalation in geopolitical conflict in the Middle East between the US and Iran, whom Mr Trump blamed for the attack on his country's embassy. The escalation follows a year of tensions between the two sides, with Washington accusing Tehran of masterminding a spate of attacks on tankers transiting the Strait of Hormuz as well as the strikes on Saudi Aramco's facilities, which temporarily wiped off 5 per cent of global supply in September.


Javad Zarif

Anonymous ID: 28bfde Jan. 3, 2020, 11:32 p.m. No.7710664   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0674 >>0675 >>0745

Arizona Republicans Introduce Bill Allowing Private Border Wall Construction


We Build TheWall Inc. is gearing up to complete construction of wall along the crime-ridden southern border with $25 million raised through a GoFundMe campaign. But the crowdfunded nonprofit has faced bureaucratic hurdles each step of the way. Now House Republicans are intervening to get the job done. Intent on eliminating gridlock over border construction, more than a dozen GOP lawmakers in Arizona introduced a bill Thursday that would allow private organizations to build security barriers in the state without acquiring construction permits.


The bill, HB 2084, will create a “presumption of permission to build the international boundary wall on state land,” Peterson said in a statement Friday. House Rep. Warren Petersen pledged in June to assist We Build The Wall with securing the border. “I will be introducing legislation next session to make sure that @WeBuildtheWall can erect border walls on private property in AZ without impediment from state or local government,” tweeted Petersen, the House Majority Leader. “Their organization is making a real difference with the border crisis! All with private donations.”


House Republicans co-sponsoring HB2084 include Nancy Barto, Leo Biasiucci, Frank Carroll, Regina Cobb, David Cook, John Fillmore, Mark Finchem, Travis Grantham, John Kavanagh, Becky Nutt, Kevin Payne, Steve Pierce, Bret Roberts, T.J. Shope, and Jeff Weninger. Republican State Senator Rick. After congressional Democrats’ defied Trump’s request to appropriate funding for a border wall in 2018, triple amputee veteran Brian Kolfage created a GoFundMe, calling on the American public to step to the plate and fund the wall themselves. Within days, millions of ordinary citizens donated nearly $25 million of private contributions to assure the construction of the wall would become a reality. As donations poured in, the decorated war hero teamed up with heavy hitters in the public policy arena, including former White House advisor Steve Bannon and former Reagan administration official and congressman Tom Tancredo, and reorganized his efforts to build a 400 mile, privately funded border wall a as a 501(c)(4), We Build the Wall Inc. We Build The Wall completed the assembly of a 30-foot high, three-quarter mile-long section of the border wall on private property border El Paso, Texas and Sunland Park, in just four days in New Mexico last year over Memorial Day weekend.


Acting Homeland Security Secretary Chad Wolf visited the site of the privately constructed wall during his first trip to the southern border in November and joined El Paso Border Patrol Chief Gloria Chavez in endorsing We Build The Wall.


EXCLUSIVE | We Build The Wall President Brian Kolfage: Corrupt International Organization Controls Southern Border, Not DHS Or Border Patrol (VIDEO)

Anonymous ID: 28bfde Jan. 3, 2020, 11:53 p.m. No.7710735   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0806

The shadowy Iranian spy chief who helped plan Benghazi (June 20, 2014)


Because of the 2014 date, felt imaging this would be better for preservation.

Anonymous ID: 28bfde Jan. 4, 2020, 12:05 a.m. No.7710806   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Noticing here name spellings are different for this guy:


Major Gen. Qassem Suleymani

General Qassim Soleimani


So this to me is looking quite different than it originally did. Given that, In 2014 it was reported that this General was the Mastermind of Benghazi, We are already aware of what was going down at the time. So that said: The money that Obama sent to Iran..was that Blackmail ransom being Iran would keep (((their))) secret.. Have feeling this guy isn't dead at all…and that he knows all and is spilling at an undisclosed location.