Anonymous ID: bba5c6 Jan. 3, 2020, 11:43 p.m. No.7710700   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0704 >>0752

Good red-pilling on twitter. Sorry about format, that's how it was copying.:


Just curious.

Who thinks the #1 military in the world, really has anything to worry about with the #13?

Let me ask you this then:

Can the US turn Iran into the new Sea of Glass?

What can Iran do in return?


Now STFU and tell us who is on the take w/ the Iran Deal…

Trump is going after their dirty money!

This is exactly right David. They are shrieking so loudly right now because even if we went to war, which we could win within 10 minutes, they are about to be exposed for their corruption. This is why they are so desperate. They know it's coming, and they are scared shitless.

There is no war, the war would be over before Iran could think to respond. No, the MSM wants you to believe that there is a war on the horizon that would cost many thousands of American lives. This is a http://farce.Now ask, what are they trying to keep you from knowing?

Tomahawk Missile KNOWN #'s

Navy: >3500

AF: >1600

Ever see what 1 can do? Now, multiply that by 5,000.

This whole fear campaign is just that…Fear

Iranian gov't can suck it. We can liberate your people in about 15 minutes; And there is NOTHING you can do about it. Ask Soleimani..

And that is ONLY Tomahawk missiles. Now send in the drones. You Iranian Mullahs think you got anything that compares to this?


It's over before you began. Time to take your seat and STFU.

The new teacher just got to the classroom. PAY ATTENTION!

As of 2019, the U.S. has an inventory of 6,185 nuclear warheads. So add all of the previously mentioned armaments together. We can destroy the entire world if we wanted to. Does the Iranian gov't think we are so weak that we will lay down to their demands?

Shit, operators don't even need to change clothes, let alone get boots on the ground. I don't care what Demoshits say, this war is over before it began with a POTUS like DJT. No matter how they try, NOTHING CAN STOP WHAT IS COMING!

Checkmate, AGAIN, Deep State!

MSM and the Iranian gov't wants us to believe we will go into a long and protracted war over this. FUCKING LOL!!!!

Come GET SOME!!!!!!

We have literally trillions of bullets in multiple caliber, this alone could kill everyone in the Middle East but boots on the ground would be needed. We don't want that. So bring in the aerial support. That alone would take out all of Iran, alone, add in all missiles. No contest

o when the MSM media and Democrats fear you into believing we are on the brink of war, step back, breath in, take a good fucking laugh, and vote those pieces of shit out of office. WTP are done with their Bullshit and Corruption.


Now that I have your attention, let me show you something illuminating. Did you know that Obama was running arms through Benghazi and that is why Benghazi went down like it did? Now take it a step further. What kind of arms were being run through there?

ut David, they weren't just missiles. They were Davy Crockett nuke mortars. One of which got free from control and was used to kill many Russians in Syria. THAT is why Putin order the nuclear drill. It was a FY to Obama/Killary. That is why Obama moved 1,000s of troops to NATO.

Did you know that the US ran Davy Crocket mini nuke mortars that were declass'd by Obama through Benghazi? And once recieved, one got away to the wrong hands and was responsible for the deaths of Russians in the area?

Anonymous ID: bba5c6 Jan. 3, 2020, 11:44 p.m. No.7710704   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0752


Now once this was realized, immediately after, Putin's response was what? Right before the election in 2016. Putin ordered millions of people to test run a "nuclear bunker" test. Why? Because he knew what they were doing. Obama then moved 1000s of troops to NATO borders. WHY?

Now let's pause for a sec and go over this. Obama declas'd Davy Crockett nuke mortars. Sent them to Benghazi to be moved on to Syria to fight Assad. They got to Benghazi and Chris Stevens found out. Next thing you know, a militant group moved on the compound.

Once they realized they were under fire, the US FUCKING GOVT, especially Obama and Killary, sent the order to stand down, and waited for the death count, before sending in anyone to clean it up. Now, ask your self why? Is it because they were doing illegal shit?

The survivors of this attack were shut down. Ask Tanto Paranto. He was told to shut up or lose his top level clearance for contractors. He said, FUCK YOU!. He then was removed from the craftwork.

After that there was nothing, then hearing, then "What difference, at this point, does it make!" from Killary, herself.

Let's take a breath.

Why would this happen? Because Obama and Killary were moving weapons to our enemies to perpetuate a war in Syria to continue a ME war.

Why do that? Because, their plan was to create such a disturbance in the ME so as to create a never-ending war in the region. But why? Because war pays. Who got paid during this time? Obama, Kerry, Killary, Biden, anyone in the Obama admin?

Again, now that I have your attention, ask your self why they were doing this? Was there kickbacks happening in the destruction of American might and sovereignty? Fast forward to today. Does any of this have to do with today's current events? What if I told you, yes?

Fast forward to 2014-2015 when Joe Biden was given the reigns to lead the "Anti-Corruption" campaign in Ukraine. Now, let's take a minute. What if it wasn't "anti-corruption?" What if it was to keep the corruption going? What if I told you that corruption is the middle name?

Fast forward again to today. You have heard the accusations about Hunter Biden, and how Joe Biden say's it is all debunked. But is it? Who debunked it? They say it was debunked by the IMF, EU, Ukraine, etc, but it was only done after Hunter lobbied the State Dept to have it done.

I ask all of you to look into what I am saying for your self. The level of corruption Rudy Giulliani is talking about is real. There is way more than what is know to the public, and way more to come out.

There is a systematic laundering system in play right now. US gov't gives $ to foreign countries as "AIDE," that Aide is then given to NGO's and businesses to stop the corruption. Those NGO's & businesses then give it back to corporations in the US.

The corporations then funnel the funds back into holding companies that are owned by?….. Wait for it…….

The same fucking politicians that gave the money in the first place in the US.

Biden>Ukraine>Burisma>Rosemont SenecaBiden

Pelosi>Ukraine>holding companyetc.

It's one big scam kids. It's a scam within a big group of politicians that people voted for and they get rich while we suffer. It's a giant club, like George Carlin said, and you ain't in it.

Time to wake up. Time to take our country back. Time to be free from tyranny.

his may be new to you, this may be old news to you, the point is we can't let the recent episode of the Kardashians take our focus away from what is actually happening. YOU need to talk to your friends and family and tell them what you KNOW. This isn't conspiracy theory!

This is real. The more people you tell and show them proof, not just tell them, the more people realize. They want us dumb, they want us divided, they want us disorganized. Guess what, no more. We know what is happening, and we KNOW the Democrats are complicit!

I'm sure it won't be long before my page is gone, and I will have to start over. But I ask anyone reading this to carefully dissect what I said and carry on the conversation. The MSM lies to you daily to control what you think. The Dems lie to you daily to further the MSM lies.

If anyone wants to say that I am just spreading lies, I ask you to prove that I am wrong. I ask you to critically think why Benghazi happened, why did Amb. Stevens die? Was it because of a video? Ridiculous. It was because he found out what Obama and Killary were doing

It's because Benghazi is nothing like the attack on our embassy in Baghdad. It's because we have a POTUS now that will make sure our people are safe and won't die. Obama and his minions are fucking traitorous criminals, and I cannot wait for the day they are held accountable.
