Anonymous ID: d6949a Jan. 3, 2020, 9:56 p.m. No.7710164   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0213 >>0359

(THEY) have removed many people's ability to choose…many things…some of the most important things that life can offer, marriage, children, ability to earn a living and take care of your family and loved ones. They poisoned our schools, attempt to warp our society with opposite of moral values and concerns.


Do not dwell on dark things, look at it, understand it and be able to recognize the difference between right and wrong, the things of God and the things of evil. Discern and use logic not always emotion but do not discount your gut feeling if somethings feels off or wrong. Keep a positive attitude, remain hopeful and optimistic no matter what befalls or what bumps in the road may interrupt your journey. Know you have the power to choose, to say no, to walk away or to take the risk, you instinctively will know if you open your heart and soul, guidance is within. Love yourself as God loves you, and extend that love to others in your family, your friends and the good people of your community. Most people are basically good and kind but fallible. Learn to forgive and move on. Forgiveness of yourself and others is the gift in disguise.

Anonymous ID: d6949a Jan. 3, 2020, 10:08 p.m. No.7710243   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0340

(THEIR) weird rituals and obsessions with blood, adrenochrome and their bloodlines that supposedly go back thousands of years…it is really quite worthless if all it accomplishes is the evil acts and destruction of the innocents within our world.


Blood ties do matter, our mothers, fathers, children and siblings are mostly are closest friends and loved ones. If we are lucky we have a few great friends who can be considered our extended family. The good people the God-fearing people of this earth love, nurture, protect and provide for their families their loved ones and yes sometimes their friends. There exists in this family dynamic love, and trust, loyalty and attachment. All organic and natural.


We were always in the right in this way, (THEY) are not the elites…we are. Perhaps this is what POTUS really means when he tells us at rallies that we are the elites.

Anonymous ID: d6949a Jan. 3, 2020, 10:22 p.m. No.7710332   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0384

I find anons, that the longer I stay away from the fake news, I am becoming more enlightend and aware of the real battle that is going on and it seems to exist inside the soul as well…truly a spiritual war..a war of societal values, of what clear and true justice is – in the face of this massive balloon of evil that has scourged our humanity…in which we lived in blindness, performing for them, earning for them. The awakening is more like a shift of the divine raining down on all of us, where we are anons, not really knowing each other's names or what we do for a living, what place we call home. Its all so divine. I am so glad to have found you all two years ago, mostly lurkeranon I am but something tonight in me was moved to share some inner thoughts with you all in this tumultuous and dangerous time.


I will pray for our President and his family, those in the line of fire and for all you anons, BE BEST always…


Anonymous ID: d6949a Jan. 3, 2020, 10:33 p.m. No.7710417   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0428 >>0433


I used to be, like really bad, crying everynight at what you all revealed. As a lurker all I would do is research from what you guys would post and it horrified me, but fear is what they want from us, they want to take our will and destroy our way of life. I have a wonderful family and I feared what would happen to my loved ones if they succeeded. But at the same time I realize how fortunate we all are to know the truth, to understand the level of evil and monstrous abuses they have wreaked upon so many on this earth. We are the elites, we know how to love, to heal, to nurture, to speak truth which stands against any lie or deception. We are the blessed ones who can fight this battle on this digital platform and against all the Fake News and what they throw at us every single day…We are winning and we will continue to win….

No more brokenheart but a full heart of resolve and strength to be ready to fight and to be of service when called…..

Anonymous ID: d6949a Jan. 3, 2020, 10:40 p.m. No.7710465   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0476


Anons I know that Words have meaning….have you even seen POTUS as the rallies? He has said We are the elites and they are bad people, that is what I meant. He meant we are better than them…..