Anonymous ID: 041ee3 Jan. 4, 2020, 12:48 a.m. No.7710937   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0941

>>7709827 /lb


tapper and his owners really, really need to read the law on what they have been and are now, very openly, doing.


It's this one that is most relevant to what this sub-intellect bridge-troll just did:




§2381. Treason

Whoever, owing allegiance to the United States, levies war against them or ADHERES TO THEIR ENEMIES, GIVING THEM AID AND COMFORT WITHIN THE UNITED STATES or elsewhere, IS guilty of treason and SHALL suffer death, or SHALL be imprisoned NOT LESS than five years and fined under this title but not less than $10,000; and shall be incapable of holding any office under the United States.


The gift that keeps on giving is the absolute FEAR the [DS] and their boot-licking underlings exhibit the longer it takes to have everything ready. Lots of comment on the quote attributed to Napoleon but the best part of the quote is just exactly how it is being demonstrated by all those who KNOW that President Trump KNOWS what they did, who paid or who they paid depending on position, the source of the idea, the groups first spreading the idea - where they are collectively and individually - and even the chain the commands go through - wonder how they are communicating now that their little "altered kerning" code has been publicly exposed?...wonder how many millions of people, over the last couple of weeks, have been scaring the hell out of gaggle and fascistbook and their sick ilk by searching for corney and breman and obanna and many other interesting possibilities?


When I think of just exactly what the statement "We have it all!" truly means, it's a bit scary.


Tapper...and so many other globalist propaganda media meat puppets...still believe that the orders they are following, supported by their own - and that of other meat puppets vomitous - propaganda...are true! They actually believe not only the scripts they are handed rather than their own eyes they believe what they are doing is OK because even though they couldn't defeat President Trump in 2016 using the same tactics they are not only using the same tactics this time they are exposing themselves more and more daily.


I think that could be the reason for what most of us view as a delay; the crimes just keep on being exposed as the FEAR manifests itself...that's one of the biggest problems with DARKNESS, it first allows the weak-minded to think they are "somebody" and then it removes all support just to create havoc with the weak-minded as they are suddenly exposed with no way to escape no matter what they try.


Wonder what Durham has on him?

Anonymous ID: 041ee3 Jan. 4, 2020, 1:12 a.m. No.7711010   🗄️.is 🔗kun

>>7710264 /pb


Rudy has already debunked this demonrat insanity by proving he does not now have, nor has he ever had, "business" ties in Ukraine as he does not do business, in Ukraine. He is an American citizen who works for the President of the United States and his activities in Ukraine are to expose the crimes of obomber, shrillary and the other treasonous globalist stooges who were getting their blood-money from the slush-fund in Ukraine.


Thanks to Rudy, though. He purposely put himself out there to take the attention away from what is really being done. Yes, Ukraine is important but the White House already has everything necessary to make all the important cases at the Military Tribunals and over the last couple of months Rudy has identified several corrupt, treasonous third-party actors who were masquerading as "diplomats" for the obomber crime gang that are now under full investigation for not just their ties to Ukraine but also to other obomber scams.


Another [DS] fail.