Did you ever think about how that the first 10% of every bread is wasted with finklefag, his cohorts, and the "TYB" troupe?
When I look at what is in this board, I think there are more of (them) in here tonight than us.
That is a great post. I woke up very slowly over time. As crazy as this sounds, one of the first things to start my thinking was in elementary school when taught about how free we are compared to the USSR: the communists can only vote one of two ways: yes or no to the party leader put forward. My thought was, "That really isn't any different than here, where there are only two choices for President." Even to a child, I saw that this country was out of control of the people.
By the time I was in high school I knew that the news was fake and unreliable.
Then the US government killed the Christians in Yugoslavia. We were told that good was evil, and evil was good.
They had the power and enriched themselves.
I thought there would never be any better for this country. So, I kept my head down, and just tried to live my life in peace.
Oh, to my great surprise and joy! A President came along who was too rich to be bought, and who cared more for this country than his wealth!
Thanks be to God, through Jesus Christ! I never thought this time would come!
I do hope that things get better in the USA. I know good will triumph over evil. I just wonder if it will be in this world also, or only in the afterlife.