Look asshole. I'm not a physicist or mathematician. Just trying to figure out if 'rods from god' would be going REAL FAST. Determined I was unable to compute terminal speed, checked an article for a plausible speed estimate.
Not a fucking slide, just an autist trying to figure shit out, OK asshole?
Drop it. Who cares what you think.
I omitted slowing down due to atmospheric friction out of the estimate and also noticed that if it was a 'rod from god' it was glowing hot from atmospheric friction, but thought it more likely a beam weapon than a kinetic one, since one image showed 3-4 of them side by side and if it were kinetic weapons doubted 3-4 could target nearby one another within one 1/64 of a second or whatever frame of video.
Again, NOT a mathfag, NOT a physicsfag, but a generalist with curiosity and the ability to look for related info and consider how it might or might not be connected.