>>7712603, >>7712427 Images and video of unknown light/trails over Iraq 03 Jan 2020 CTDig
>Acceleration due to gravity at 2000 km up is 5.68 ms-2
>Rod starts accelerating, force of acceleration due to gravity increases as it falls, pretty soon it's falling pretty damn fast.
>2004 article says speed at impact could be
>36,000 feet per second.
What is the terminal velocity of a bowling ball? (ref: https://www.quora.com/What-is-the-terminal-velocity-of-a-bowling-ball)
v = √ 2mg / ⍴AC
v = Terminal velocity,
m = mass of the object,
g = acceleration due to gravity,
⍴ = density of the fluid through which the ball falls,
A = cross sectional area of the ball,
C = drag coefficient.
C = 0.5 for a sphere (drag coefficient)
460 km/hr or 285 mph. (ref https://www.google.com/search?q=285+mph+to+fps&rlz=1C1CHBF_enUS879US879&oq=285+mph+to+fps&aqs=chrome..69i57.3511j0j7&sourceid=chrome&ie=UTF-8)
285 mph = 418 foot per second
The 'figure' given in the OP is completely ignoring terminal velocity - and as a result is an order of magnitude (of orders of magnitude) off.
It's a fuckin slide people. It was a slide all godamn night last night, it's a slide all day today, it'll be a slide all this year if you continue to fucking notable it.