Anonymous ID: afde52 Jan. 4, 2020, 10:35 a.m. No.7713538   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Zumwalt: Soleimani’s Demise Could End Iran’s Long, One-Way War with America


The notorious Quds Force is a unit under Iran’s Revolutionary Guard Corps with the authority to carry out secretive foreign intervention operations. Its mandate includes unconventional warfare and intelligence activities.


Since 1998, the Quds Force was led by Major General Qassem Soleimani, 62. As most people were recovering from the 2020 new year celebration, Soleimani’s term came to an abrupt end. On January 3rd, he was targeted and killed in a U.S. airstrike at Baghdad airport where he was busy planning attacks on U.S. diplomats and military forces, the Pentagon confirmed.


Unsurprisingly, media snowflakes and congressional Democrats were quick to criticize President Donald Trump for allegedly bringing us to the “brink of an illegal war.” House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) said, “we cannot put the lives of American service members, diplomats, and others further at risk by engaging in provocative and disproportionate actions.”


Such critics need to be awoken to reality: Tehran has been at war with us for 40 years; we have just refused to fight back.


With the hostage-taking of U.S. embassy personnel after the embassy’s 1979 seizure, Tehran demonstrated it would ignore international law in dealing with the U.S. Releasing the hostages the day President Ronald Reagan took office for fear of retaliation, Iran waited three years to test us again. In 1983, it directed its Hezbollah proxy in Beirut to bomb the Marine barracks there, killing 241 Americans. As we did nothing to discourage further violence by Iran, it continues unabated today.


The war Iran has been fighting with us is put into context by the following: as it is estimated that by 2015 Tehran was linked to the deaths of more than 1000 Americans, Iran is most likely responsible for more American deaths than any other nation since the Vietnam conflict. In addition to American lives lost in Beirut in 1983, Tehran has increased this death toll either directly or indirectly by its actions in Iraq — all of which were coordinated through Soleimani.


Iran’s indirect involvement has included the provisioning of advanced mines and other weaponry to anti-U.S. militias during our occupation in Iraq. The author’s son served two tours in Iraq, defusing many of these devices which clearly carried Iran’s signature.


Direct involvement by Iran occurred in an incident 13 years ago this month. On January 20, 2007, twelve men, disguised as U.S. soldiers and speaking perfect English, entered into the Provincial Joint Coordination Center in Karbala, Iraq, where Americans were conducting a meeting with local officials. All hell broke loose as the twelve-man team began shooting, wounding, and killing several of those present. Four Americans were taken hostage, handcuffed, and later murdered elsewhere. Five U.S. soldiers lost their lives that day in a raid, it is now believed, involving Iranian planning and participation.


But Soleimani’s death puts the mullahs on notice: the one-sided war they have been fighting has now officially come to an end.

Anonymous ID: afde52 Jan. 4, 2020, 10:43 a.m. No.7713615   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Part 2


Zumwalt: Soleimani’s Demise Could End Iran’s Long, One-Way War with America


The demise of Soleimani hits close to home for Supreme Leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei. Not only was the general the second most powerful person in Iran, reporting directly to Khamenei, the two were good friends. Khamenei even officiated at the wedding of Soleimani’s daughter.


As a division commander during the 1980-1988 Iraq/Iran war, Soleimani became an inspirational leader for his men. While emotionally embracing them prior to battle, he apparently lacked a similar sensitivity for the hundreds of Iranian children the mullahs gathered as cannon fodder to run through Iraqi minefields to prevent the loss of professional Iranian soldiers. But not until 2003 did Soleimani really come to the attention of U.S. commanders.


Soleimani became an icon to the imams and those supporting them when he began targeting U.S. forces. In 2008, General David Petraeus described him as “a truly evil figure” in a letter he wrote to then-Secretary of Defense Robert Gates.


Khamenei has called for three days of mourning, describing Soleimani as “the international face of resistance.” It might have been more appropriate for the Supreme Leader to describe him as “the face of international resistance” as Iran’s 1979 constitution is the only one in the world having extraterritoriality application — i.e., it is the basis for Tehran’s exporting the Islamic revolution outside its own borders. Critics worried about an escalation with Iran fail to grasp the fact as long as the mullahs remain in power, they are committed to spawning the Islamic Revolution, either peacefully or forcefully, around the world. No one was better at doing Khamenei’s eternal confrontation bidding in this regard than Soleimani.


A series of moves and counter-moves between the U.S. and Iran during the prior week preceded Soleimani’s death. Rocket attacks by the Hezbollah Brigades, an Iranian-controlled terrorist proxy group, conducted against a U.S. base in northern Iraq killed an American contractor and wounded US soldiers. Trump countered with air attacks in Syria and Iraq on five targets where the group stored weapons, killing 25 terrorists. At Iran’s instigation, locals in Baghdad, supporting Hezbollah, on New Year’s Eve launched a two-day attack against the U.S. embassy, only ending it after Trump ordered 750 troops there as back-up.


As both Iran and Iraq are majority Shia nations, initially the two worked together under Iran’s tutelage. However, ongoing riots in Iraq today reflect Iraqi resentment of Iranian influence. Intelligence revealed the time had come for Soleimani’s demise as recent intelligence indicated he had just arrived in Iraq to lead a coup, arrest the president, and take over the U.S. embassy. Just like Trump asserted there would be no repeat of Benghazi in Baghdad, by taking out Soleimani he was also making it clear there would be no repeat of the 1979 hostage crisis.


Recognizing Trump is no Barack Obama, the mullahs have been testing him to see how far they can push. The killing of Soleimani is causing them to fall back and re-group. While they suggest “harsh retaliation is awaiting,” they need to consider if Trump has been pushed to the limit. The strikes against Hezbollah and Soleimani were all outside Iran, but killing such a senior Iranian official must now have the mullahs in a panic, pondering if they might soon find themselves in Trump’s crosshairs as well.


Khamenei, confident during the U.S. embassy attack that Trump’s hands were tied by Democrats looking for any additional excuse to impeach him, taunted him claiming, “You can’t do anything.” Playing his trump card, the President has demonstrated there is something he could do. The mullahs would be well advised not underestimate him again


Lt. Colonel James G. Zumwalt, USMC (Ret.), is a retired Marine infantry officer who served in the Vietnam war, the U.S. invasion of Panama and the first Gulf war.

Anonymous ID: afde52 Jan. 4, 2020, 10:49 a.m. No.7713673   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3691 >>3720 >>3777 >>3804

Anons we have officially entered Bizarro world where “supposed citizens if The US demonstrate for the protection of Iran


Watch Live: Leftists Outside White House Protest U.S. Elimination of Terrorist Soleimani


Leftist plan to protest outside the White House Saturday to condemn the U.S.’s elimination of Iran’s top general, Qasem Soleimani.


The protest is one of several planned across the country — from Times Square in New York City, to outside Trump Tower in Chicago — to voice opposition to military strikes in Iraq and the deployment of U.S. troops to the Middle East.


Organizers include several anti-war groups including Act Now to Stop War and End Racism (ANSWER) and CODEPINK.


“The Trump administration and Pentagon have moved to start a war with Iran by assassinating Qassem Soleimani,” ANSWER wrote in a statement on its website:


The targeted assassination and murder of a central leader of Iran is designed to initiate a new war. Unless the people of the United States rise up and stop it, this war will engulf the whole region and could quickly turn into a global conflict of unpredictable scope and potentially the gravest consequences.


The protest in Washington, D.C., is expected to begin at noon Eastern.

Anonymous ID: afde52 Jan. 4, 2020, 10:51 a.m. No.7713697   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3838

Meanwhile Trump is winning on the Southern Border


Donald Trump’s Immigration Judges Boost Deportation Numbers


President Donald Trump’s new immigration judges are far more likely to reject migrants’ requests for asylum than are the judges prior presidents picked.


Four Trump immigration judges in Memphis, Tennessee, denied more than 90 percent of claims from migrants, while the prior judges granted roughly half of the requests, according to a study by immigration lawyer Lily Axelrod.


There are 465 immigration judges, some of whom stay on the bench for decades. But Trump’s pro-American policies are frustrating judges who were appointed by former President Barack Obama, prompting some to leave and open new slots for Trump-appointed judges. In 2019, 45 judges quit, compared to 24 judges who retired in 2018.


“For 24 years, [Judge Lisa Dornell] sat on the bench in Baltimore’s immigration court, hearing hundreds of cases of immigrants trying to stay in the United States,” CNN reported on December 27. “It was a privilege to be able to preside over so many different cases and be able to grant relief to people who needed relief,” Dornell told CNN in an interview about the rising number of retiring judges. The article added:


[Ilyce] Shugall recalled the challenges she had faced in trying to move forward with cases in a way she thought was appropriate. “I felt like as more and more policies were coming down, it was making it harder and harder to effectively hear cases in the way that I felt was appropriate and in compliance with the statute regulations and Constitution,” Shugall said.


According to TRAC Reports Inc, “Judge Dornell is recorded as deciding 921 asylum claims on their merits. Of these, she granted 456 … and denied 464.”


The new judges are picked by Trump’s attorney general and cannot be blocked by hostile Democrats. So their gradual arrival is likely to have a dramatic effect as the number of pro-migrant judges decline.


The judges have very different track records, in part because immigration law is complex, the migrants’ pleas are often heartrending, and the judges have their human preferences. For example, Florida-based Judge Denise Slavin was appointed by President Bill Clinton, and she approved 284 pleas and denied only 26, according to a 2011 analysis by TRAC Reports Inc. In contrast, Judge Kevin Chapman was appointed by President George W. Bush and granted only 32 pleas while denying 192, according to TRAC.


The reductions in 2017, 2018, and 2019 have been modest. In 2018, migrants won 33 percent of the decisions but only 29 percent in 2019, according to an analysis by the immigration law firm of Amoachi & Johnson.


The changes have even impacted the most pro-migration areas, such as New York. reported December 27:


But the shift here is dramatic. Just four years ago, the research group TRAC found New York judges denied just 16 percent of asylum seekers. That figure has been rising since Trump took office. But the average denial rate for a New York judge shot up to 46 percent in fiscal year 2019, according to the latest data, from 32 percent in the previous year.

Anonymous ID: afde52 Jan. 4, 2020, 10:55 a.m. No.7713738   🗄️.is 🔗kun

For you Saturday afternoon kek, I lol when I read this headline


Rapper Who Cut Off His Own Penis Gets Married


Warner Todd Huston4 Jan 2020





Christ Bearer, the rapper who cut off his own penis in 2014, celebrated with fans news that he’s now married.


The rapper, whose real name is Andre Johnson, told fans that he married Cheryl after a six-month courtship. He also noted that he knew her several years previous to hooking up.


The former Wu-Tang-affiliated rapper said he and Cheryl tied the knot on December 30, ENews reported.


Johnson made news six years ago when he went on a drug-fueled rampage where he severed his penis and then jumped off the second floor of an apartment building.


The rapper, who also performs under the name “Andre Roxx,” mutilated himself and jumped from the building on April 16, 2014.


Friends who were with Johnson at the time said he acted without warning. They also insisted no drugs were present. The witnesses told TMZ at the time that there weren’t “any hard drugs that would cause him to do such a thing.”


However, since then, Johnson has admitted that drugs were a factor in the incident.


“Yes, I was using drugs that night, but I was in complete control,” Johnson said. “I cut it off because that was the root of all my problems. My solution to the problem was the realization that sex is for mortals, and I am a god…Those kinds of activities got me into trouble, and I came here to be a god.”


Follow Warner Todd Huston on

Anonymous ID: afde52 Jan. 4, 2020, 11 a.m. No.7713783   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3832

omg every headline today is worthy of a kek. The funniest part of this is that anyone that orders from Macdonalds always checks their order to make sure it’s right, right?


UK: ‘Devastated’ Muslim Demands Compensation After Being Served ‘Diabolical’ Sausage McMuffin




A “devastated” Muslim man is demanding an apology and compensation after McDonald’s served him a “diabolical” Sausage McMuffin in Birmingham, England.


49-year-old Fida Hussain told MailOnline he purchases a breakfast of one Egg McMuffin, hash browns, and coffee from a McDonald’s drive-thru on Coventry Road, Small Heath, every morning — but on December 17th his daily routine took a “diabolical” turn.


“I trusted them. I was watching Judge Judy and bit into the McMuffin and knew instantly when I tasted it that it was meat,” he said of the fateful bite.


“I am a practising Muslim with a nice, long beard and proud of it so they knew,” insisted Mr Hussain, who MailOnline described as a “former self-employed courier” and father of four.


“I would like an apology and financial compensation. I’m devastated. It’s put me off McDonald’s and I’m mortified,” he added.


“It’s diabolical for a professional retailer that’s worldwide.”

Anonymous ID: afde52 Jan. 4, 2020, 11:05 a.m. No.7713818   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3825

Interesting Trump didn’t start a war, he took action to stop a war


Gaetz on Soleimani Hit: The World Is Witnessing a Change from the Obama-Bush Middle East Regime-Change Doctrine


Jeff Poor4 Jan 2020



During an appearance Friday on Fox News Channel’s “The Ingraham Angle,” Rep. Matt Gaetz (R-FL) defended President Donald Trump’s use of force to kill Iran elite Quds military force commander Qasem Soleimani.

Gaetz referred to President Donald Trump’s remarks arguing the strike was being used to stop a war, which he said was evidence of a “change in doctrine.”


“The president would need congressional authorization to start a war with Iran, but as the president made very clear, this was an effort to protect our troops and to stop a war, not to start one,” he said. “What the world is witnessing is a change in doctrine. The Obama-Bush Middle East regime-change doctrine was to invade and then hope to persuade people that we were liberators. Instead, the Trump doctrine is at its best when we strike the terrorists and then bring our troops home.”


However, the Florida Republican expressed his concern over the deployment of more troops to the region.


“I’m concerned about the additional troop deployments for the reasons you mentioned in the last segment,” Gaetz continued. “I’m grateful that President Trump is trying to end the war in Syria. He is the first president to end one of these forever wars and not start one. And we should not engage in a war with Iran absent congressional approval

Anonymous ID: afde52 Jan. 4, 2020, 11:08 a.m. No.7713837   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Mo Brooks on U.S.-Iran Dust-Up: ‘No Chance of This Being World III


Friday during an appearance on Huntsville, AL radio’s WVNN, Rep. Mo Brooks (R-AL) dismissed the possibility of escalation to the point of “World War III” between the United States and Iran in the wake of a U.S. drone strike’s successful kill of Qassem Soleimani, the head of Iran’s elite Quds military force.


“No chance of this being World War III,” Brooks said.


According to the Alabama Republican congressman, the potential for World War III would require nuclear exchanges, something of which Iran is not capable.


“This does not have the making of World War III, and the reason I say that is traditionally the concept of World War III has been nuclear exchanges,” he continued. “And as of now, Iran does not have either a delivery system or a nuclear warhead that we are aware of that can used to attack the United States of America or its neighbors. If you use the traditional definition of World War III, then those talking heads who are talking about this fight being World War III really talking with their mouths without their brain being properly engaged.”


Brooks also weighed the benefits of Soleimani’s demise and urged listeners to keep in mind the real objectives of Iran’s theocracy.


“It does hamper Iran’s terrorist activities because you’ve taken out one of the leaders of Iran’s terrorist activities,” Brooks added. “Long-term, I don’t think this is going to change what Iran does with respect to its neighbors and the terrorism that it’s fostered in neighboring countries. I don’t think it’s going to change its goal of destroying Israel, ‘the little Satan’ as Iran calls it, and the United States of America, ‘the great Satan’ as Iran calls it.”


“We in America better start understanding the religious motivation behind Iran’s conduct,” he continued. “They see this as a long-term struggle for the extermination — ‘they’ being Iran — for the extermination of Israel and the United States of America. In that context, no — this is not going to be anything more than a relatively small blip over a multi-decade period of time, as you see Iran’s religiously motivated government continue to try to kill non-Muslims, in particular, Christians and Jews in America.”