Don't feed the trolls
You're completely clueless on AI. The cabal is light years beyond that. Catch up on your Bryan Kofron for starters.
The plan has to be one, big giant strike, right?
They're doing nothing to change the national discussion.
They're not arresting anyone even halfway big.
My problem isโฆit's taken me 15+ years to assimilate all the lies and evil (and I'm still shocked by things). How is the public as a whole expected to absorb everything at once?
Wouldn't it be better to release the information more slowly? If that were the plan though, they would have started already.
Maybe shit will get serious right before midterms?
Yup! I've had friends high in finance tell me the same thing. The key is the gold. The Rothschilds have all the gold. The plan must involve loading up on gold and finding a way to distribute it back to the American people.
The federal reserve is the biggest key to the kingdom the cabal has. Free market economy isn't fundamentally bad. Just some big changes needed. Would have been SOOOOO much easier to fix if the country hadn't been flooded with illegals.
It would be nice if they threw us a public bone. Doesn't have to be much. How about indicting Luis Guitierrez for IRS fraud or some petty crime?
Yeah, you should learn chess before posting. What you think are "castles" are rooks. "Castling" is move involving the king and a rook.
Also, they're called "bishops", not "popes".
Swamp Drainer is the man. He was there from the beginning doing some heavy lifting. He didn't go to work for a long time to help get Q launched.
You're only about 20 years behind. Pesticides are very old news. Current environmental news is nanobots and synthetic biology.
Trump names deep state operative John Bolton as National Security.
This on the heels of trying to get amnesty for illegals, confiscate Americans' guns, and expand the deep state's war on drugs.
โฆโฆ.must be some great 12D chess going onโฆ.
Expand your thinking
Who is profiting from it?
Why are they allowed to do it?
Why are they doing it?
You're completely missing the big picture. Pesticides are the least of your worries. You just don't know it. That's like being worried about a hangnail on a sinking ship. You're not comprehending the magnitude of the problem.
Learn what the nanobots are doing and you'll never think about pesticides again.