Anonymous ID: 865ec4 Jan. 4, 2020, 3:44 p.m. No.7716342   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6492 >>6597



New series on Netflix called "Messiah," Christian Arab preaches salvation is here in act one. ISIL has "resurged since the US pulled out in 2019" and has taken most of the country and then they go to take Damascus and a sandstorm happens when the "Messiah" says not to fear and rages for 43 days kicking ISIL out. CNN reports "an opportunity the president has been waiting for"


Second act, cut to woman saying "not my first time" on abortion table

Cries when dad texts "how did it go"

(Actually her dad just called to ask how it went also)


She turns out to be a CIA recruiter and is interviewing a guy, stops the interview when the guy says the truth is gray, she said CIA is like holy order


Guy/Superier named Q

Female abortion having protagonist named Eva


No coincidences


Still watching first ep… Messia must kicked a muslim and told him to find a woman to take his seat