Anonymous ID: 8be6e0 Jan. 4, 2020, 3:35 p.m. No.7716245   🗄️.is 🔗kun

>>7715878 (lb)


I have high admiration for Dr. Epstein (this Mr. Epstein). He was brave and spoke Truth to power (as the saying goes). He is either a registered Dem or Independent/forgot which, but was willing to just state his findings on how gaggle could affect the outcome of an election with just the slightest most subtle of algorithm modifications.


For that, I believe, he has paid a dear price.


Why do I believe it? First, the release of Vault 7 – See/I/Aye hacking tools, which confirmed what people suspected...namely the ability to remotely take over the control of a car. Still believe Michael Hastings was killed in that fashion.


Lastly, it’s my understanding that the highway she was driving on has barriers separating the opposing directions. However, wouldn't you know it? Her accident “occurred” in a section where the barriers were missing. Dr. Epstein himself replied to someone on twatter who asked the same question.


Dr. Epstein:


I feel for your loss. I really do. I’m sure she was a very special woman. That said, I think in your heart of hearts you must suspect something. Perhaps too difficult to consciously accept though.


You live in a world governed by morality. They don’t. Just look at what john podesta wrote before SR was killed. About making an example, even if the person is innocent of the allegations.


These people are EVIL.

Anonymous ID: 8be6e0 Jan. 4, 2020, 3:50 p.m. No.7716412   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6473 >>6701 >>6898



Interesting post. Though I agree with the spirit of the thing, it's belies itself as low-grade larping. If nothing else, and as another anon pointed out, a true oldfag wouldn't disparage newbies across the board. Why would they? Only the moo joos seem to judge an entire group with worn out strawman examples.


Any who…because of said moo joo spamming, coupled with the occasional animal gore porn, this place has become less than what it's capable of becoming. Here's hoping we can clean it up.


On a side-note: look REAL hard at the folks on the right side of the picture frame of chelsea hubble's wedding and you just might see madame ghislaine looking back at you.

Anonymous ID: 8be6e0 Jan. 4, 2020, 4:07 p.m. No.7716580   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6668


>You kill His son why would he reward any of you


You're so feeble minded it's not fair play BUT…if you believe in Lord Christ than everything that happened was by HIS DESIGN.


I see. You know better.


You pretend to celebrate the Resurrection but blame the Jews for being picked BY GOD to facilitate it? Interesting.


Let me get this straight. You deny HIS PROPHECY but think of yourself as a follower of Lord Jesus? Come again?



Anonymous ID: 8be6e0 Jan. 4, 2020, 4:23 p.m. No.7716743   🗄️.is 🔗kun



Cheers anon. I lost a good 50% of my collection so at times I just recycle an old one that fits the mood.


I know it's old news. That said, sometimes past is prologue… they say (pic related).


See how I roll?

Anonymous ID: 8be6e0 Jan. 4, 2020, 4:30 p.m. No.7716828   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6891



Cheers anon. Back at you. Nicest thing I've heard in ages.


It's knowing there are folks like you in the ranks that gives me hope. Doesn't take many, but (as you know) their voices are intentionally drowned out here.


For now their attempts have failed. I hear you loud and clear and I suspect there are some sympathetic lurkers in our midst.


Looking forward to meeting you on the fields of Lexington & Concord.