Anonymous ID: 2147ab Jan. 4, 2020, 5:17 p.m. No.7717305   🗄️.is 🔗kun

>>7716156 (PB)

I've been to Canada, the Caribbean and Ireland and have always been treated with courtesy (more or less ... but that was an internal matter in my own religion) everywhere and have always endeavored to give at least as good as I've gotten.

>>7715811 (PB)

Loyalty is earned. You'll get none from me merely for being a Jew. Not as an individual. Not as a group. I am the son of Irishmen. At one point fully half of us were murdered by the Jews in control of Britain and those who sucked up to them in Ireland. Your measly 6 million means nothing to me. It's just not that impressive. You nearly wiped us from the face of the planet by slow starvation, taking the food we had raised from us at sword point. Fully half of us who somehow managed to get aboard the Coffin Ships perished enroute. Your captains, required by the terms of our fully paid for passage to feed us, did not. We starved to death and arrived so weak that disease took large numbers of us as we, forbidden to land, died within sight of shore.

Respect for the Jews as a people? How DARE you even imply that it is due you? You live in some strange fantasy world where the barbarisms of centuries past somehow elevate you as superior to others.

They do not.

Anonymous ID: 2147ab Jan. 4, 2020, 5:33 p.m. No.7717454   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7477


Sometimes I say to myself "There's no way Don Trump is smarter than everyone in Washington." Then I realize what a herd of cummasses we've been sending to Washington for DECADES and suddenly it seems very possible that there are perhaps 10-15 guys in DC who could even pass an IQ test.

Anonymous ID: 2147ab Jan. 4, 2020, 5:40 p.m. No.7717524   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7685


Don't worry about your son. He's not as big of a pussy as you are. Dammit, woman, straighten up … your kid has been in danger every day of his life from the moment of conception – he'll be fine.

You, on the other hand have yet to earn the title of "man."