Anonymous ID: 53ecf9 Jan. 4, 2020, 6:16 p.m. No.7717916   🗄️.is đź”—kun


Drinkin' my wine, makes me feel fine

Gonna have me a holiday


Poor man's party, rich man's daughter

Gettin' hotter and hotter


She's pushin' way too hard

I don't want any part of her wayS


Drinkin' my wine, makes me feel fine

Gonna have me a holiday


It's a holiday… It's a holiday

Mama mama please, no more jaguars

I don't want to be a pop star

Mama mama please, no more deckhands

I don't want to be a sailor man

Mama mama please, no more face lifts

I just don't know which one you is

Mama mama please, no more husbands

(I don't know who my daddy is)


Drinkin' my wine, wastin' my time

Hidin' out in my rented dream


Lookin' for attention

A cover story mention in

Life magazine


Ask the chauffeur who he knows

Numbers he's got, lots of those


Drinkin' my wine, spendin' my time…

Anonymous ID: 53ecf9 Jan. 4, 2020, 6:47 p.m. No.7718268   🗄️.is đź”—kun   >>8276


Maxine Waters' phone call with 'Greta Thunberg' was apparently the work of Russian pranksters


The conversation began with "Thunberg" telling Waters that she was calling from a climate strike meeting in North Carolina where they were advocating for the protection of the fictitious "Chon-Go-Chango" islands. She asked Waters to make remarks to the meeting attendees, where she showered "Thunberg" with praise.


"Thunberg" then told Waters about a fictitious meeting she said she had with President Trump at the United Nations back in September.


"It was a really terrible meeting in the U.N. building in September with him. And I had nightmares afterwards. It's terrible," the Thunberg impersonator told Waters. "I saw him in the hallway. He was with security and I shouted at him, 'Sign the Paris Climate Agreement again!' He came over, he leaned in towards me, and said softly, 'Listen carefully to me, little girl. You will never achieve your goal, like the congressional goal, trying to accuse me.'"


"He said you will never achieve your goal? Oh my goodness." Waters said with shock. "Did you ask him if he would rethink signing the Paris Climate Agreement? Is that your question to him?"


"Yes, yes," the impersonator said. "He added that … 'You know what? I'll tell you the truth. I really wanted to push the Ukraine president to put my competitor on trial.'"