Anonymous ID: c71b77 Jan. 4, 2020, 6:14 p.m. No.7717879   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8137 >>8149 >>8341

It's about time we had the Rise of the Maccabees in here. I've put up with years of fucking moo joo shit and Jews are finally starting to speak up for themselves. It's not Judaism that's important here, it's reclaiming your own voice. Shills and Clowns have co-opted it for too long.


Damn. Last bread an anon started a post with I am a Jew. Damn straight. I haven’t seen the shills this angry since they discovered the chimney wasn't connected to the building.


>>7717238 (lb)


>Accept Jesus as your Savior, denounce those of your tribe that commit kikery & we'll reconsider.


Allow me to jump in here. Who the fuck is We as in We’ll? Think highly of yourself, no? Sorry, I missed that army you command when I walked in here. My bad. No disrespect meant.


>Evil ones among you thrive on usury & undue influence as a protected society, as you are here saying it's not all the kikes, but you'd never betray your tribe, right Moishe?


This just gets old as fuck. Same old shit. Honest question. Do you really believe this garbage or is this just for a shill-blue paycheck. I understand…everyone has to feed their family, but come on bitch. I would never betray my tribe because??? Because some loser says it on an image board? Some piece of shit who has never met me is now making grand declarations about my character.


I'll let you in on a little personal secret. My own family can't stay cohesive, why these grand delusions about the tribe? Do you realize you sound like you're in the third grade? Well, almost...I think most third graders would put you to shame.




Oh, and fuck off.





Anonymous ID: c71b77 Jan. 4, 2020, 6:32 p.m. No.7718114   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8155



Damn. Just read PDJT's last three tweets (your pic related). What a breath of fresh air. Just my unsolicited .02, but I think the mullahs better think long and hard.


Wrong move I suspect will bring down the HAMMER, and with it, a lot of PAIN.


Any who. While running a search for his twatter account to verify this twat, I came across this. Look at the top post.


We would like to show you a description here but the 'site' won't let us. Is that a reference to twatter?


Am I missing something?

Anonymous ID: c71b77 Jan. 4, 2020, 7:01 p.m. No.7718413   🗄️.is 🔗kun



Long time fan of your work anon. Keep it up. You can feel how desperate they're becoming.


First sign is when they try to co-opt your work (your first reply


a perfect example).


I think it's finally starting to habben. I think the PEOPLE are finally moving towards President Trump (hopefully the final gasps of the modern democrat party in the making) and the moo joos are starting to be ignored and/or ridiculed.


They take up 75% of each bread with their pelican shit, but it's just noise. Static really. And being drowned out at this point.


Death is a force of nature just like lightning, jah. The righteous face it every day, and pass it by. But those with evil in their hearts fear it. That' is why there is no need to slay the wicked. Just leave them to face death, and they will perish.


  • Countryman