Anonymous ID: d2e4af Jan. 4, 2020, 6:46 p.m. No.7718265   🗄️.is 🔗kun

HAL ….. I want you to send a message …..

Hello , Dave , it's nice to be working with you again.


HAL , ( IBM - backwards ) , send this as many times as you can ,as long as you can. ( Aruther C, Clarke - 2010 )



, " The world Needs us in 2020 "


One thing is for sure, The Vigilant Citizen analyzed the hell out of this decade. From beginning to end. And there was no shortage of material to get upset about. One of the first articles I wrote in 2010 was about Lady Gaga’s Telephone. It featured Beyoncé, it was replete with the one-eye sign and it was drenched in mind control symbolism. Ten years later, artists came and went, but the same exact pattern of symbolism is still in pop culture. By highlighting this repetition, I’ve built a body of proof that is difficult to refute.While there’s incredible consistency in the symbolism found in mass media, there was also a slow and steady progression. Indeed, pop culture only kept going deeper in the exact direction I was pointing to back in 2010. While the first videos I analyzed had subtle occult symbolism, recent videos are basically all-out, bloody, satanic orgies carried out by zombies drugged out on Xanax. Through its pawns, the elite is not hiding its true nature anymore.On a wider scale, this decade uncovered the true nature of the occult elite for the world to see. While stories about a DC pizza place had the elite shrieking in horror and screaming “fake news”, the story of Jeffrey Epstein basically confirmed that there’s nothing fake about the elite’s sickness. Then, Epstein was “suicided”, which only confirmed the elite’s propensity for snuffing out the truth.While this information should have been enough to have the masses unite against this sickness, it only got more divided. How? Through mass media propaganda. Instead of going against the evilest people on Earth, people were brainwashed into hating each other. Damn Boomers! Damn Millenials! Damn straight white males! Damn angry feminists! Damn conservatives! Damn liberals!