Anonymous ID: e0cc0d Jan. 4, 2020, 6:10 p.m. No.7717840   🗄️.is 🔗kun

So the speculation is that the Iranians got an unknown number of nukes from Ukraine. If true, this is the American black hat traitors moving nukes between 2 countries that they control, changing the strategic equation. Of course, they would have divvied up the money too, brokering a deal between themselves on one side and themselves on the other, with most of the money coming from the American taxpayer. This alone would be one of the greatest crimes in history. But that was only an intended means to an end, that being the further building up of the muzzie world, and the eradication of Israel. Meanwhile, the satanists used their positions & muscle to loot & ravage every possible place. These entities do not believe in restraint or deferred gratification.