Anonymous ID: 0460aa Jan. 4, 2020, 8:13 p.m. No.7719177   🗄️.is 🔗kun


>>7718509, >>7718861 Eyes in the Sky

>>7718984, >>7718997 MSM Articles on Q and 8chan: ~1535 articles thru December 2019

>>7718954 US Marines say read between the lines right 3 of them in the photo

>>7718929, >>7719001, >>7719081 NS meme blanks

>>7718703 What was the leverage that ended on 5/8/18

>>7718621, >>7718718, >>7718908 Spider bun Spider Web = Iranian Terrorist Network!/mini bun

>>7718568 52 means POTUS holds ALL THE CARDS.

>>7718545 Q/Potus tweet graphic

>>7718488 2015 Flynn Tweet on Soleimani
