Anonymous ID: 3af66a Jan. 4, 2020, 7:51 p.m. No.7718940   🗄️.is đź”—kun   >>8971 >>9091



Markers are everything you mentioned. Sometimes brackets are just used to add [emphasis] and nothing more.

Early on Q was leading us by the nose to a particular set of delta [markers], in order to teach us something….but we never figured it out exactly.


At this point, the best way to understand markers, deltas, etc are to think of them all as techniques that make up Q's overall methodology. You have:


<Q / POTUS Deltas

Usually within minutes, sometimes days or years

<Q / News Event Confirmations

Often times no particular time, but a concept is [marked] then becomes publicly relevant months or years later

Sometimes with important Delta, think [30] with no name's death

<A,B,C = 1,2,3

Important to constantly apply this to look for meaning, used all the time.

<POTUS Tweet mispellings

Able to communicate letters (or the equivalent numbers)

<Q Post numbers

Used sometimes as a numerical way to reference them


Then you just keep these and more in mind all the time, while never getting too detached from the context of what you are analyzing. It's very easy to get a little too aggressive when connecting the dots, and you instantly go from viable theory to bread sliding.


44 can refer to BO, as he was the 44th POTUS.

8 could be H, so possible Haiti, HRC, Huma….context would be useful

I've also noticed Q has started a new thing of just flat out pinning [markers] through posts like when he did [Marker 9]….that could mean we are missing some sort of incrementally increasing [marker] establishment, and are only seeing when Q explicitly tells us (rather than when it is established through some unspoken delta we miss, for instance).

Or, it could just be a call out to the past when he would refer to [i] as a marker, as 9 = i.


Us anons have never put the entire thing together as some cohesive comms system that we can cleanly decode.

Instead, it seems to work lately as a loose system of tricks that requires a lot of lateral thinking to employ.

It's possible that was the design all along, or Q team is rolling with the punches and adjusted their comms to our mindset/capabilities