Anonymous ID: 3d6182 Jan. 4, 2020, 7:13 p.m. No.7718565   🗄️.is đź”—kun

2015 Europe and Soleimani


Next comes phase two. That’s much later—as many as eight years from now. And this is the round where Soleimani and his IRGC buddies finally get their big day. But only the Europeans will be helping them out.

Why? The Obama administration has opted only to lift only nuclear-related sanctions, because, it says, the Iran deal is strictly limited to the country’s nuclear program, not its status as a leading sponsor of global terrorism or its abysmal human rights record. Granting concessions to Soleimani, who is accused of helping to kill American soldiers, propping up a brutal dictator who gassed his own people, and conspiring to blow up a Saudi Arabian official in a popular Washington, DC, restaurant frequented by U.S. politicians, would eviscerate the Obama administration’s entire premise in the Iran negotiations.

Why the Europeans felt fine giving Soleimani a hand is still unclear. But even those who will be unshackled from U.S. sanctions are hardly free of terrorist ties.