Anonymous ID: c6998e Jan. 4, 2020, 7:19 p.m. No.7718621   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8641 >>8663 >>8666 >>8668 >>8676 >>8679 >>8696 >>8704 >>8715 >>8718 >>8726 >>8748 >>8754 >>8767 >>8810 >>8837 >>8866 >>8890 >>8908 >>8914 >>8921 >>8955 >>9099 >>9177

HUGE! Spider Web = Iranian Terrorist Network!

Anons, listen to what Pompeo said today in an interview:

>This – look, this guy was coordinating this stuff all across – all across the region. He was fomenting what was taking place in Lebanon, the 6 million people displaced in Syria, the tragedy that we’ve seen in Iraq. Soleimani was at the center. He was the center of the spider web, and now he’s gone.


So there's a reference to "spider web" right there. I decided to go back and

look at the stuff we'd covered back then, and I noticed the guy in the back of

one of the images in Q#1095 (pic related). Notice how closely he matches with

Soleimani–as if Soleimani dyed his hair and threw on a backward baseball cap?