Anonymous ID: 0d75c7 Jan. 4, 2020, 8:35 p.m. No.7719360   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9558


“Iran also propagates its agenda through its thirty-six Shi’a cultural centers. The Fundación Cultural Oriente—an Iranian outreach center dedicated to strengthening Iranian ties to Latin America—is run by the radical cleric Moshen Rabbani, currently on the Interpol Red List for involvement in the 1994 bombings of a Jewish cultural center in [Argentinian capital] Buenos Aires,” he continued. “Ribbon oversees several media outlets and has recruited students from the region to study in Iran. We take Iranian activity in the hemisphere seriously and we monitor its activities closely.”


Three years later, in March 2015, Gen. Kelly, the current Southcom commander, revealed that the number of cultural centers have exponentially grown to more than 80.


“Iran has established more than 80 ‘cultural centers’ in a region with an extremely small Muslim population. The purported purpose of these centers is to improve Iran’s image, promote Shi’a Islam, and increase Iran’s political influence in the region,” wrote the commander.


Gen. Kelly did not specify where in Latin American the 80 “cultural centers” are located.


There are 80 but I'm not telling you where they are? WTF Kelly?