Anonymous ID: 6ee352 Jan. 4, 2020, 8:58 p.m. No.7719578   🗄️.is 🔗kun

We are on the tipping point of peace.


If Iran can be taken care of with minimal loss of life, and a government that will restore law and freedom to the Iranian people can be formed, then we will for the first time in almost 70 years have a chance of middle east peace.


If Trump can pull this off, most of the worlds terrorist funding will dry up. Trump has already stopped the flow of money out of most of the oil producing countries towards conflicts. Yemen will be solved without Iran. Pakistan has gone quiet, and a peace treaty with India could be negotiated.


Peace is the prize, long lasting peace. Economic development for oil producing countries with stable trustworthy governments that don't need to spend all their money on defense or terrorism. A new world without religious fundamentalism.




But in the short term THEY will fight it, and THEY will try force the USA into a protracted war.


THEY are fighting for their lives and trapped like a rat in a corner. If you have a chance to explain to friends or family that peace is the goal and the prize please do, the media will be painting Trump as a war monger, he will have to carry that burden but we know the truth.