Anonymous ID: 230ee6 Jan. 4, 2020, 10 p.m. No.7720070   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0122 >>0135 >>0294 >>0632 >>0638



Storch Ukraine


Storch ignores NSA's spy abuses and his work in Ukraine


Robert Storch (above), Inspector General for NSA


The FBI was ordered to correct its practice of falsifying warrant information by Jan. 20th.

In the meantime, the court no longer believes FBI warrants to be “reliable”.


Judge Rosemary M. Collyer ruled April 27th, 2016 that the:


• NSA spied on 30,055 American citizens


• FBI gave 70 private contractors “unrestricted access” to secret spy data


The judge ruled the NSA

and FBI acted illegally.


Collyer’s ruling was triggered by a report dated Jan. 7th, 2016 by NSA’s Inspector General (IG), Henry Ellard


His report has been moved from the regular website of the Inspector General.

Ellard’s 35-page report is linked here:


Wife of NSA Inspector General helped him plot Trump coup in Ukraine


Mrs. Robert Storch (above), also known as Sara Matilthe Lord. Her husband is NSA Inspector General.


Sara M. Lord, Mrs. Robert P. Storch, recruits Ukrainian law students to investigate Trump supporters from Kyiv, Ukraine.

Mr. and Mrs. Robert Storch are partners in impeaching President Donald J. Trump using Ukraine and the:



• Justice Department


• U.S. Embassy in Kyiv, Ukraine


(National Anti-Corruption Bureau of Ukraine)


NABU is a partnership between the FBI and Ukrainian prosecutors.

To uncover corruption?

Or cover it up?


Mrs. Robert Storch is standing, third person from the far right, without her glasses. The latest Sara Lord recruiting class of 39 Ukrainian law students used to spy on Trump supporters from Ukraine. Students were called “NABU Detectives”. They all are fluent in English.


Found the FBI server in Ukraine.

Last sentence in the first paragraph above.

The FBI admitted putting it there.

Who did the FBI hire to configure it?




The four photos below are from the NABU press release dated Feb. 3rd, 2016.


Panic in DC re: Baker confirmed?

Note IG involved.

Huber >IG (Horowitz) >> Storch



How about a nice game of chess?

IG Horowitz (“Justice” Dept) speech – ‘whistleblowers’


“Since 2015, he has simultaneously served as the Chair of the Council of the Inspectors General on Integrity and Efficiency (CIGIE), an organization comprised of all 73 federal Inspectors General.”

Think yesterday.

What was learned?

Robert Storch confirmed NSA IG?


First presidentially-appointed IG for NSA?…


Anonymous ID: 230ee6 Jan. 4, 2020, 10:33 p.m. No.7720276   🗄️.is 🔗kun



"None are more hopelessly

enslaved than those who

falsely believe they are free."

~Johann Wolfgang von Goethe


The FED creates “money” that it does not have and loans it to the banks and mortgage companies who are participating in the global financial fraud. The FED collects interest on these loans that it did not earn.


The banks and mortgage companies also attach interest to this “money” that it should not have and in turn, loans it out into the economy.


The banks and the mortgage companies and their employees make a LOT of money in this way.

They won’t / don’t want the fraudulent system to change, they, their families and their lifestyles are DEPENDENT on it.


In essence it’s a gigantic game of musical chairs. The banks and mortgage companies and their partners in crime, are able to remove real assets out of the economy by wielding financial leverage that they should not have.


If everyone was able to create “money” out of nothing, the defect in this fraudulent system would be quickly exposed.


Even legitimate businesses are forced to participate in the financial fraud or be crushed by its competitors that are willing to.


In this way, given enough time, this racketeering operation and it’s criminal partners will eventually own EVERYTHING of any significance.


Rothschild himself, in a moment of pure arrogance, probably expressed it best when he said:


“The few who can understand the system will be either so interested in its profits, or so dependent on its favors, that there will be no opposition from that class, while, on the other hand, that great body of people, mentally incapable of comprehending the tremendous advantage that Capital derives from the system, will bear its burden without complaint and, perhaps, without even suspecting that the system is inimical to their interests."


The last president to point out this criminal operation was JFK.

(We all know how that ended)


Qanon has also talked about this criminal operation and the people and families behind it.

They are the puppet masters who are manipulating the crooked politicians, not just here in the states, but around the globe.


What if Q = President Trump?


What if this criminal enterprise could finally be shut down world wide?


If we’re able to solve this one problem, all the other problems would solve themselves.


Come join the fight for justice @
