Anonymous ID: 28f722 Jan. 4, 2020, 11:14 p.m. No.7720513   🗄️.is 🔗kun


>The tablet, known by its signature Nike swoosh symbol, is understood to make users “go crazy and out of control”.


312mg of a combination of ecstasy (MDMA) and methamphetamine?


The article describes a "psychedelic" that drives people crazy. I did find a record for a street pill with the NIKE logo containing 312mg of a combination of ecstacy (MDMA) and methamphetamine. That would certainly fit the bill. First of all, a typical active dose of MDMA is 120mg, a double dose would be 240mg, then fill in the rest 72mg with methamphetamine (typical high dose for ADHD would be 50mg by comparison).


So, yeah, give that to someone locked up in a 8X8' cell and holy shit!