Anonymous ID: 72670d Jan. 4, 2020, 10:04 p.m. No.7720094   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0111 >>0242

>>7719760 (pb)


>Never heard of that, will have to look it up. But agree, this is OUR time(line) now!


It was some sort of device that could fuck with time by sending information into the past. If you google it you'll see Amitakh Stanford's opinions on what it is, and frankly, she's nuts. All you need to understand is it was extra-dimensional "hardware" that the Cabal would use every time they "lost" the game, and it would let them have another chance in the current timeline as some new event would emerge based on their dickering, effectively putting us into a new branch more favorable to them. But it requires precise conditions to use, and we've moved it to a location where activating it is all but impossible.

Anonymous ID: 72670d Jan. 4, 2020, 10:10 p.m. No.7720139   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0151


>So…is this what they were paying to access?


Paying, yes. In blood. Lots and lots of blood, pain, and death. It would not function without the cooperation of extradimensional biological entities, and what they want from our world is low-frequency spiritual energy, the kind created by torturing children. These entities could operate the Atu-Waa even if its location was not known (as was the case for many years), but the Cabal could still offer up prayers and sacrifices and get them to turn it on for them. But now that it's been moved to an unsuitable location, their prayers don't work; their "God" cannot do fuck all to help them anymore.

Anonymous ID: 72670d Jan. 4, 2020, 10:16 p.m. No.7720177   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0198


>We have the source?


Hey–you're smart. I've never seen anyone make that connection here before. Behind all the mundane political and financial dickering, doesn't it seem like the Cabal have had some kind of supernatural help, all this time? There are a lot of times and places where their enterprise should have entirely fallen apart; after all, even the rulers they used to serve were utterly trashed and kicked off the Earth many, many years ago. So how have they kept pulling it out of the fire and succeeding at keeping their racket going for so long? Well, now you know. And now you know what all the worthless fucking sand wars over the last 30 years have really been about. Why the American military were so interested in caves in Afghanistan. And why we started encountering the Nephilim again, so long thought to have been exterminated by the Israelites in biblical times.

Anonymous ID: 72670d Jan. 4, 2020, 10:25 p.m. No.7720232   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0252


>I've not been aware of any recent Nephilim encounters


Yeah, American soldiers encountered them in the mountains in Afghanistan, emerged from caves. Extremely aggressive and pretty much attack anyone on sight. While they're huge and very durable, Ma Deuce takes care of them (but you'd be surprised at the punishment they can take compared to humans). They were left to guard things, and have protected their secrecy so long by killing anyone who sees them and eating the remains. Lots of their skeletons have been found in the years since biblical times, but the powers that be spend a lot of money to suppress this information as it fucks with all of the official narratives about the nature and origins of humanity. Plus their existence makes it a lot harder to call the Bible a fairy tale.

Anonymous ID: 72670d Jan. 4, 2020, 10:35 p.m. No.7720288   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0296 >>0403


>So we have had this under control since when?


The Atu-Waa? 10, 15 years? Maybe a bit longer, I forget what year we found it. Suffice to say, finding it was what allowed the tide to start turning and people to start waking up. It's responsible for the "Mandela Effect" and it was crucial in maintaining the living death state of unawareness that most humans had been under for many years. Without neutralizing it, any steps forward we made would soon skew off the path and go sideways, and we would make no progress. Becoming aware of its existence and purpose was the beginning of the end of this war. But understand, we still don't have everything under control. There may yet be desperate measures the Cabal can take if pushed far enough; they may not yet realize that the Atu-Waa has been rendered ineffective. They keep acting like they expect their rituals and prayers to work, and are using the same tactics they've always used. I think a big part of POTUS and the white hats' strategy in this 5D chess game is keeping the Cabal from full acknowledging that their old tricks are now totally useless–because who knows what they'll do when they understand they can't just smear white-out on their mistakes anymore. Fear and desperation.

Anonymous ID: 72670d Jan. 4, 2020, 10:42 p.m. No.7720336   🗄️.is 🔗kun


>Unless it was a bluff, Q already warned them


The issue is, THEY may not even be aware of the nature and function of the Atu-Waa. They certainly didn't know where it was located. They may have been totally clueless as to how their prayers and blood rituals we transformed into entangled messages sent into the past of their own timeline, producing results in the future of that same timeline (a SEEMING violation of causality, but the physics do play out correctly, which is why the device is so dangerous).


On top of that, POTUS and Q team are masters of threat and deception designed to draw out the enemy and bait him into wasting energy making countermoves against attacks that never really occurred. The Cabal have been kept on high alert for so long that fatigue and paranoia have severely compromised their ability to engage in rational thinking and wise strategic planning. They never know when a threat from Q or POTUS is real or when it will fizzle out because it was a distraction from some other move that was never telegraphed. We have them jumping at shadows and going weeks without proper sleep. Even with as much as we know via these boards, the details behind this destabilizing operation are astounding. You could die from the grin it would put on your face.

Anonymous ID: 72670d Jan. 4, 2020, 10:51 p.m. No.7720393   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0433 >>0449




Yes, our side have access to a prognostication engine. What you're calling a looking glass. The effect is essentially as you'd expect; you can use it to discern the likely outcomes of events with staggering accuracy. It's not so great for pinpointing small details, but for the major plot outlines and events, it is pinpoint accurate. How the ancients built shit like this astounds me. But when you take a lot of people with a lot of free time and apply the necessary motivations to ensure they keep a razor sharp focus on reaching a particular goal, almost anything is possible. The reason it blows me away is that the prognostication engine does not use any magic or electronics or crystals. It's a MECHANICAL device!!

Anonymous ID: 72670d Jan. 4, 2020, 10:57 p.m. No.7720427   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0434


>Got sauce for Atu-Waa? Interested in digging…


In years past, a lot of these discussions took place on unmoderated, impermanent media like IRC and UseNet newsgroups. If you weren't there at the time, you missed it; no permanent record to reference via (it's really bad at snapshotting forums and newsgroups, and it doesn't touch internet relay chat networks, of course). You can read the stuff on Bibliotecapleyades which I believe is all written by Amitakh Stanford and other sites like, but I consider those sources to be severely tainted and compromised. Amitakh is, how should I put this. A good woman that means well, but whose mind and heart were broken by the sickening shit going on in this world, and who no longer functions properly. I'm not even sure if she's still alive at this point, I certainly haven't gone looking for her.

Anonymous ID: 72670d Jan. 4, 2020, 11 p.m. No.7720439   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0557 >>0595


>And what is the sauce for this?


We are spoiled nowadays by the extremely high relative persistence of the internet and online sources; it has not always been so. In years past, you had to scour and dive and dig for every scrap, and found 50 piles of junk in between gems. If you want to know about things that were uncovered in those days, you're going to have to dig the way people did in those days: UseNet, IRC, really shitty websites with no grasp of color theory or presentation, and all of these sources contain tons of disinformation, both intentional and accidental. Good luck. If you care about any of this, you have to invest time to learn about it.

Anonymous ID: 72670d Jan. 4, 2020, 11:03 p.m. No.7720458   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0519


>If 'they' gained access/use of this device via such heinous acts. How are 'we' making it work for us?


We aren't. All we did is render it unusable by moving it to a location where it cannot function properly. Because it can be accessed by non-physical entities, there's no safe way to keep it and attempt to use it for our own purposes. That would mean they can use it, as well. But disabling it is enough to greatly strengthen our own position, because without access to its power, the enemy is severely weakened.

Anonymous ID: 72670d Jan. 4, 2020, 11:08 p.m. No.7720483   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0507


>So time is cyclical, thinking if you knew in March of impending attack (big pic, not details yes) in the following March, you could stop it in January with 3 months to spare and see outcome right?


The biggest weakness of this device is the setup time to ask it a question and get it to carry out a simulation is fairly high and involves a lot of labor and calibration. It's not for repeatedly and casually asking minor questions; it's to inform your overall strategy and give you good data on the outcome of your major moves on a timeline of 6-18 months, and the quality of the output depends heavily on the quality of the input. "Top men" are making good use of it, however, wouldn't you agree? The results speak for themselves. Imagine where we might be if POTUS and friends had stepped a few inches out of line with their moves these past few years.

Anonymous ID: 72670d Jan. 4, 2020, 11:11 p.m. No.7720492   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0565



AFLB, honestly, your problem is a lot of us just don't like you. You call EVERYONE a CIA operative, your posts and memes are obnoxious, you're a namefag, you conflate everything with everything else. If you want to be helpful here, why not consider a reset? Throw away all your copypasta and your wolf memes and your shrugging anime girl and start posting organically like an anon. Blend in and then no one can hate you for all the reasons we hate the character known as AFLB. Your persona is shit and I dare say you cannot accomplish anything worthwhile with it anymore, it's cold product yo.

Anonymous ID: 72670d Jan. 4, 2020, 11:20 p.m. No.7720542   🗄️.is 🔗kun


>I've seen the Mandela effect at least twice in recent years so there is more here than just looking forward, there is also timeline jumping which is not I suspect a machine but other dimensional. I don't comprehend fully but proof is personal.


The experience of shifting timelines is unsettling and jarring, but our brains try their best to rationalize and "cover" for us so we can maintain sanity and continuity. These events can occur for many reasons, some of them natural, others supernatural. A major shift in human consciousness such as The Great Awakening can shift or snap timelines, and this will result in large-scale experiences of this type by many people at once. Not everyone has the experience at the same time–it all depends on when an individual mind hits a speed bump, where it contains recorded information that no longer matches the current reality. In large enough quantity or magnitude, these experiences can "drive a person insane", which is an oversimplification for the severe and often permanent cognitive dissonance that can result when an individual brain fails to compensate due to the mind's extremely sharp trajectory toward a given future which is no longer possible due to changes in the timeline. We're seeing this happening with a large subset of our population, now that the Atu-Waa is out of play and the Cabal's damage is beginning to repair itself.

Anonymous ID: 72670d Jan. 4, 2020, 11:34 p.m. No.7720609   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0637 >>0641 >>0648



I have no way of showing you where I encountered and vetted this information, and I would never ask you to accept my anonymous posts as a source for this information, either. Nor am I willing to dox myself in order to make my posts more convincing for you. Sorry, but you're asking me to complete an impossible task if you want me to prove these things to you here on QResearch; furthermore, if I did post incontrovertible proof that could not be explained away as a photoshop or fabrication or LARP or fan fiction, think about the outcome that could follow afterward and the damage it could cause to me, you, and this board. It'd be about the same as if someone posted a real video of a 1-on-1 encounter with an EBE: it would be suppressed as violently as necessary to maintain plausible deniability and avoid the wildfire of forced awareness that could proceed outward from this spot. Think big, anon. I'd love to give you what you're asking for, but I've already given you a lot and I've told you how you can encounter the people who can give you more.


Let me give you one piece of advice, though. No matter where this life takes you, NEVER agree to accompany well-meaning strangers promising fantastic benefits if you get in the van\spaceship\whatever. You'll end up dead, probably after being tortured.

Anonymous ID: 72670d Jan. 4, 2020, 11:39 p.m. No.7720634   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0653 >>0667


>I call those I link together through linguistic tells and network resources who they are, the C_A.


Okay, well, you've been calling me a CIA agent for a long time and I've never been one, so… Obviously there are problems with your methods. I wonder how many other people you do the same shit to.

Anonymous ID: 72670d Jan. 5, 2020, 12:05 a.m. No.7720723   🗄️.is 🔗kun


>Sounding like a veiled threat at the end of your post here…


Definitely not a threat. If you spend time around new-agey UFO-phile internet fucks you're going to encounter stupid shit and terrible advice. Wherever I go I try to remind people not to trust strangers bearing gifts. It didn't work out for the Ñoldor.

Anonymous ID: 72670d Jan. 5, 2020, 12:09 a.m. No.7720736   🗄️.is 🔗kun


>So, it's stuff you read on the internet from a crazy lady - all assertions, no documentation, no proof And don't hitch rides on UFOs.


You hear what you want to hear to maintain your level of comfort, and I don't begrudge you that. If I provided you with what you claim you want, I'd be taking that choice away from you. You can learn what I know the same way I learned it. Amitakh learned this shit the same way. But she's touched in the head and didn't get the message clear. bib-pley is full of broken shit, like you mention, and is not my source for any of this.