Anonymous ID: c0ba6c Jan. 4, 2020, 11:09 p.m. No.7720486   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0669


The reply deboosting censorship algorithm in place only aims to silence the accounts outreach without the user really knowing anything is taking place. A users replys are then defaulted to hidden behind the "show more replys" button, User continues unaware anything is happening. essentially only communicating with those who directly follow them or dive deep into the thread.

I decided on Jan 1 to start a new account to test my theory, since my previous had plateaued for some time. The new account performed way better than expected. 2-3 times the like and retweets I was seeing on my old account. Gained nearly 1000 followers in 4 days multiple tweets over 100 likes on a fresh account. I was stuck at 1300 followers on other account for months and was seeing about 150k impressions a month. New Account 124k impressions in 4 DAYS.


What are the fucking rules for Twitter? Only questionable thing I did on this new account yesterday was post Q messaging as a reply to a White House tweet . I immediately saw huge drop in numbers on following tweets and replys and checked it showed up again.


Should I just roll with the censored accounts, Create a new one and refrain from engaging normies or brush up on baking again?


while im on the subject of tech support anyone running LOKINET and why should I?