Anonymous ID: fc0f0e Jan. 4, 2020, 9:50 p.m. No.7720002   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Reposting after posted lb with wrong translation




MOGADISHU, Somalia (AP) - A senior Al-Shabaab militant has reportedly attacked a base in Kenya's Lamu region this morning with American and Kenyan troops.


In an English statement released by al-Shabaab, the attack, called SIMBA, in the "Manda Bay" area of ​​Lamu province, contained "hundreds of US soldiers."


"Soldiers from the Al-Shabaab militant group attacked the US naval base at Camp Simba on Sunday morning," he said. "The base is home to hundreds of US and Kenyan troops, and is one of the bases used in the US invasion against al-Shabaab," al-Shabaab said in a statement.


Al-Shabaab said their troops entered the base secretly and seized parts of it. Al-Shabaab also claimed heavy casualties to the troops there, though it was unclear.


So far, no one has been able to independently verify Al-Shabaab's claims, and it is difficult to obtain independent reports at the station. The Kenyan government has not yet commented on the attack.