Anonymous ID: 4c68be Jan. 5, 2020, 1:26 a.m. No.7720850   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0916

Not sure if you guys were around but I posted The Alexandria File back in Jan '18. It was put into the dough but MEGA took the file down within a month or so so we removed it. I haven't made a new one on MEGA bc it's a lot of work and they can tk down at any time. I think ppl will be sketch to torrent anything from the board(i am) so I never offered it that way. Anyway I've been working on a new one but unfortunately MEGA is still the best option. I have around 15 GB more to load but thought I'd go ahead and give Night Shift a sneak peak tonight. Would be cool of Baker not to Notable so that ppl can't say it was already in Notables ya know. Would rather it go into Notables complete. Also thought it's be a good time to collect any rare stuff you guys have and i'll make sure it gets in there. I'll respond to this w the link if baker agrees not to Notable.