Anonymous ID: 63ae7e Jan. 5, 2020, 3:30 a.m. No.7721029   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1296 >>1436

Director Terry Gilliam: I’m Tired of White Men Being Blamed for Everything Wrong with the World.


In an interview that breaks every rule of the Hollywood PR handbook, iconoclastic filmmaker Terry Gilliam said that white men are unfairly blamed for everything that is wrong in the world and that the #MeToo movement has become a witch hunt as well as an excuse for some women to avoid taking responsibility for poor decisions.


Gilliam, who is a Monty Python veteran and has directed such visionary movies as Brazil and 12 Monkeys, gave an incendiary interview to the British newspaper the Independent in which he refused to kneel at the altar of political correctness and woke identity politics.

Anonymous ID: 63ae7e Jan. 5, 2020, 5:31 a.m. No.7721340   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1345 >>1386

It's difficult to keep it all straight in one's mind but the US (C_A) topple Iran's leader in 1953, ostensibly for oil.


Then, in 1979, during the Islamic revolution, the US backed the Ayatollah Khomeni.


For nearly 70 years, because they have oil, Iran has been controlled/ruled by proxy by the C_A/USA. It's got to be a tough situation for the local people.


I understand that DJT wants the C_A clowns out of Iran but we should remember it was the USA who put them there in the first place - Eisenhower (Head of CIA Kermit Roosevelt) and Jimmy Carter (Head of CIA Stansfield Turner).


No doubt people like Soleimani have been empowered by the clowns and are part of the regime and therefore must go. I just wonder if the USA is now truly committed to allowing Iran and other countries who have been under their proxy rule, Like NK and even Japan, to have true self determination.


I pray for the people of Iran, NK and all countries who have been wronged by US foreign policy (mostly Democrat) in the past.


Just my 2c

Anonymous ID: 63ae7e Jan. 5, 2020, 5:33 a.m. No.7721342   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1347



OP here.

I recommend removing the following from notables -

>>7720967 (You) 54 people arrested for bushfire-related offences in NSW, Australia.

The video is from November, before the main fires started.

I didn't vet it well enough.

I fucked up.



Anonymous ID: 63ae7e Jan. 5, 2020, 5:46 a.m. No.7721400   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1405 >>1430 >>1473


>why cant it be thatthey had some capable people there and they were ruling our people and not the other way around?


You really think Iran ruled the US?

I don't think that narrative holds up to scrutiny.

The US is the world's superpower since 1945.

Iran has oil and that has always been the driving factor for Western involvement in the Middle East.

Once Israel was set up by The West as a foot in the door, we were always looking for ways to control the place imho.

My understanding is that the bags of cash sent by Obama and others were flooding back to corrupt US politicians.


My post lays the blame directly at the feet of past Presidents and CIA Directors - and even then I understand that they did what they thought was right to protect the USA's interests.

I don't believe DJT is to blame at all.

He's doing what needs to be done because of decisions made in the past and he has my respect for that.

I guess I'm just calling on people to remember Iran's past and The West's involvement in creating the current dynamic.

I am glad that the US now produces enough oil that it doesn't need to rely so much on these far off places for its security and prosperity.

Interesting times.

Anonymous ID: 63ae7e Jan. 5, 2020, 6:11 a.m. No.7721510   🗄️.is 🔗kun


>but your narrative of 'america is always bad, anyone else is obviously a victim' is the one that Marxists, who currently rule in Iran, always use.

>are you a Marxist?

Re-read what I posted and find the part where I said that, you can't. Straw man argument. Lift your game.


>my point that the 'West or United States always bad, eveyrone else a victim' narrative is a bogus Marxist one.

Not exactly what I said but I agree with you for the most part.

The US has acted in its best interest, as all countries should do.

Having said that, the clowns have done some pretty egregious shit. Your unwillingness to admit that makes you sound like the Marxist.

Anonymous ID: 63ae7e Jan. 5, 2020, 6:14 a.m. No.7721519   🗄️.is 🔗kun


>Iran was a puppet of C_A, at least since the time they installed the Shah.

>Look at who was involved with that op.

>It's the same clique now. And it's well-established

>They tried to make it look like religious fanatics overthrew the Shah, but it's the same actors in the background.

>Foreground, new actors

>Background, same actors.



>Are all the religious rulers of Iran -"Mullahs" actually German "Hebrews" in dress-up. Some contend.

Very interesting. Wouldn't be surprised.