Anonymous ID: 63f420 Jan. 5, 2020, 5:33 a.m. No.7721345   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1400


the narrative is always about the all powerful C_A and 'we must remember' to blame us.

why cant it be thatthey had some capable people there and they were ruling our people and not the other way around?

that narrative never exists.


the narrative of 'everythign the US ever did' is on Trumps head is a bogus one.

We've lived with Iranian upper class tyrants and their bags of cash and gold ruling our weak willed political class for over 100 years at this poitn, their opium trade, the rugs, the dancing girls.

Anonymous ID: 63f420 Jan. 5, 2020, 5:55 a.m. No.7721430   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1510


there are 600,000 iranians at least in LA alone.

of course they weren't kangs here, but they were very wealthy and powerful.

The culture goes back 3000 years, and our 300 or 350, so that's 10 times longer.


but your narrative of 'america is always bad, anyone else is obviously a victim' is the one that Marxists, who currently rule in Iran, always use.

are you a Marxist?


how racist of you to think that Persians are not capable. Or the people who rule them.

who also rule a lot in the United States.


my point that the 'West or United States always bad, eveyrone else a victim' narrative is a bogus Marxist one.