Anonymous ID: cd900a Jan. 5, 2020, 12:55 a.m. No.7720797   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0801

spiral dynamics system analysis


The system is falling into a trap of hierarchy. Turquoise leadership believes they need to raise the vibration or change the meme of all the “lower” memes. Turquoise, yellow, and green want to wake everyone up. However, when turquoise binds with green the force for collectivization stagnates individuation.


Green prevents its' membership from growing into the leadership yellow and turquoise prevents membership from growing into the individuated Coral self. In a world where collectivized memes are dominant in the workplace, critical thinking and differentiation is discouraged. The turquoise meme forgets their time as yellow. The turquoise meme forgets that memetic levels alternative between individual ego and group ego.


The green meme was born red, blue, or orange. The green meme believes “waking up” is a one time event. It stagnates here. Green wants to control red, blue and orange in the same way turquoise wants to control yellow and green. Green could become cohesive with red, blue and orange before turquoise absorbs green.


Orange is doing alright. Orange is the silent majority in America. Orange is lacking a voice. Green wants to wake up Orange rather than give voice to worker's movements and unions. Turquoise leadership giving voice to orange concerns could literally crash the American economy in a few days with general strikes.


Blue is healthy in general. Less adherent members of faith traditions are falling off and joining an increasing secular society. Red and blue go hand and hand in religion.


Red is just red. Red does red. Red will always do red. Respect red.


Fix the model.





Anonymous ID: cd900a Jan. 5, 2020, 1:32 a.m. No.7720859   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0865 >>0866 >>0871 >>0892


i dont really do geometry.

but in the first model.

is there a governing equation?

what i mean

is like the chicken or the egg.

did the little "set" that is inside the big "set" come first? or the big "set" was first?


hope that made some sense.

Anonymous ID: cd900a Jan. 5, 2020, 1:39 a.m. No.7720869   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0877


why does it require observer(s). Why can't it just see itself?


as observer. i can see myself as representative of the big "set". I can look smaller at another model of life, like the cell. i can see myself as representative of the small "set", looking bigger scale at the universe.