Anonymous ID: d6e563 Jan. 5, 2020, 12:58 a.m. No.7720806   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun

Disheartening to see Twitter accounts fall prey to egoism. Defending their internet persona and trying to put their best face on for the anonymous internet public. Anons have no face, no shame, no need to APPEAR right - they just DO what's right!

Anonymous ID: d6e563 Jan. 5, 2020, 3:04 a.m. No.7720992   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun   >>0996 >>1021 >>1061 >>1173 >>1184

25,000 years ago, dark forces created quarantine Earth and took humanity hostage. They created a virtual reality control system so nobody could escape. They have trapped Light beings who have a connection with the Source, to fuel this virtual creation.


This virtual reality control system is still in place to an extent and is usually referred to as the Matrix. On the physical plane, the control is maintained through Orion-Babylonian type debt-based financial system slavery and through mass media mind programming. On the etheric, astral and mental planes, the control is maintained with electromagnetic spacetime distortion chambers similar to those used in Philadelphia experiment. Those chambers create an illusion of a closed loop system that appears to be eternal and this is the reason why so few beings have been able to be set free / liberated / enlightened.


The Matrix is run by beings, called Archons (Greek for rulers). They are beings that came from the Andromeda Galaxy and chose to experience darkness. They refused to reconnect with the source. Through millennia, they created Draconian and Reptilian race through genetic engineering to use them as slave warriors to expand their dark empire.


Planet Earth is the last planet of this dark empire to be liberated. There are very few Archons on planet Earth left.


On the etheric and astral planes, they are known as Lords of Karma. They are the ones that to a great extent decide the life path of anybody that incarnates. They choose our parents and to some extent determine our life conditions. This programming system is known as karma. With advance wave-form generating technology on the astral plane they manipulate astral currents of planetary energies and use them for malevolent astrological influences. They maintain the distorted spacetime structure with implants that have created spacetime black hole anomaly, thus confusing human mind and emotions. Implants are programmable crystals that were put into mental, astral and etheric bodies of every single human being on Earth with strong electronic devices.


On the etheric and lower astral planes, their Draconian administrators maintain the artificial intelligence technology that keeps the Matrix in place. It has an alert system so if an awakened being creates a hole in this Matrix with his Light, Draconians send a Reptilian slave warrior to exert pressure on the psychological weak spots of that awakened being to lower his vibration and thus close that hole. Also, those Reptilian slave warriors constantly exert pressure upon the mind and emotions of incarnated human beings on Earth in order to prevent their spiritual growth and to suppress their fight for freedom. If that is not enough, they also send amoeba-like elemental beings that put additional pressure. All those negative beings usually hide in folds of distorted spacetime structure on astral and etheric planes:


Their power is in fear and hidden agendas. They lose all power in the face of light, truth and courage. If we are aware of all this without fear, the light of our consciousness will straighten those folds in spacetime structure and all those negative beings will be removed from astral and etheric planes of planet Earth.


On the physical plane the Archons are incarnated within Jesuit organization and they spiritually control their administrators (Draconian Illuminati that run the financial system), their warriors (Reptilian mercenaries that protect the Illuminati) and their slaves (humanity that works for them in their 9-5 jobs). Through Jesuit societies and 33rd degree Freemasons they hold the Illuminati structure together. This structure is now finally falling apart.

Anonymous ID: d6e563 Jan. 5, 2020, 5:36 a.m. No.7721357   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun


Haha le probing meme xd

Jokes aisde, we are the ones sent here on a mission to help awaken the surface pop while the fleet secures the perimiter. Pic related is what many anons feel they are, and Q made those references for a very good reason. 40k+++