Anonymous ID: 33fb8c Jan. 5, 2020, 7:24 a.m. No.7721909   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1919 >>1934
























>>88adae - All day, all eternity.




















>>7721291 - FuturePainsPats








>>7721336 - Go FYS [filter]



>>7721338 - Bulbattery or Infuktion



>>7721357 - ThankQBaker+

>>7721375 - I'll make some rods if you make some deeghsnuts.






>>7721378 - Not yet, there isn't. Porn despite the blasphemy and debauchery, isn't 100% evil, and too has it's purpose. Sauce? Qooming S@@n.


>>7721401 - I've now prayed specifically harder than I ever have, when this thought crept up on me, ever since that 'mroing' I survived a mugging. I felt like I shouldn't have, but somehow, I wasn't rekt. Walkin' by, and then, just out of nowhere, bopped on teh <>roggin<⬛️⚫️>. They're clearly MK'ed and comped by gs'ing cabalyans. Gettin' that peepee zap collar treatment for thinking holy thoughts, and when they saw dis namefag anon, making the sign of the sword, err, cross, (praying to God, thanking him for getting me a job - [still not paid, yet] - THXKABALDS') Before the qurill Cole-cucked the back of my squll, he blurted, "DUNTCE DUU DUTT SHET ǢN FRUNNA MǢY!" I retⱭⱰrted with, "Excuse me?" As soon as the quivered words slipped out of my face, the victimTHUG goes for 'me braveqase.' I bolt a 180˚, like a YUGE fæiry, sqreaming out my supervisor's moniqer, as if I was his FÜBut&tARbuddy. worse


"Due to the extent of your injuries... you're too whoyim ][(white) ]J&C[goyim][ for anyone to give a shit. Sorry faggot. :-\ "


It's ‍♂️ LϔEO, (not to be confused with the REAL (]≠LEO≠[⚔️) ), I know what's, wut? However, since 'we're' being candid; I postulated this hypothesis to my grandiloquent, grandiose, delusional, and courtexted self. Perhaps if I was anything other than 'white' and 'mail' ][ would I have mattered, at all, then? Now substitute me for a female! No! GAY! NO! TRANSEXUAL! I would've went viral.


Alas, I digress, for I am considered the lowest of the low, toytem-peepole. A white male, recovering opioid addict, with 'mental illness' to boot, raised by a single FATHER [adolescent years], long hair, nerdy, outspoken, cute, straight (99%), bashful, gifted, and funny. [lol, me]


I must be squelched, cuckverted, sissified, castr8ed, and uninevitably, 'chemiqulled.'


I have been shadow banned, IRL... 4noew. [shadowbantœr]


>>7721424 - Dis1's 4U FEGGs