Anonymous ID: 3dd1c7 Jan. 5, 2020, 7:30 a.m. No.7721948   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1959 >>1990 >>2060 >>2263 >>2287

>>7721032 (PB)


The Boeing C-32 is NOT a tanker. If you're going to planefag then learn the missions of the aircraft.


ALL airborne tankers designation will start with a 'K'. The ONLY exception is the HC-130 which is capable of refueling other aircraft (specifically Ospreys and helos via drogue) primarily assigned to Air Force Special Operations.


This particular C-32 is either part of the 89th AMW out of Andrews, although I doubt it. More likely it is the Special Ops variant which transports Spec Ops personnel around the world. It's based out of New Jersey (119 SOS) if I remember correctly.


Planefagging is more than just monitoring ADSB and then screencapping and posting.