Anonymous ID: 412834 Jan. 5, 2020, 6:22 a.m. No.7721545   🗄️.is 🔗kun

>>7721520 pb

>>7721512 pb


Adults can grow new moles( usually not a good sign, possible cancer)

Looks like maybe a 20 year plus age difference between her Military pic and Iranian one.

Also most people who work for the government have to take new pics for id's. You would think they would have other pics of here, including most recent one from when she did work for government.

I looked a little bit for other pics of her, could not find any( but i did a quickie search)

Anonymous ID: 412834 Jan. 5, 2020, 6:41 a.m. No.7721633   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1655


Heroes of ISLAM???? WTF

The other fag is Abu Mahdi al-Muhandis who was in the Iraqi Military, but was an Iranian asshole,kek

Anonymous ID: 412834 Jan. 5, 2020, 6:58 a.m. No.7721742   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1852


I brought up some of her features, and her FBI poster, etc

Because alot of times when people post about Lisa Page, some anon( prob the same one) posts a pic of Monica Witt.kek

So did an innitial light dig, mainly to shut up the anon that keeps posting about it, kek


I was just looking a little bit into who this Witt woman was.

She( Monica Witt) does deserve a little digging due to current events in Iran, given the fact she's a fucking traitor.

She looks like she could be related to Page, but thats as far as i would go( maybe a cousin or distant relative connection on Lisa Page's mothers side)

I do not think they are the same person at all.

I was mainly comparing the only pics of her that the FBI had, and difference with those pics, had nothing to do with page at all, kek

Also some Bad actors have secret family creditials and faked past histories


Anonymous ID: 412834 Jan. 5, 2020, 7:19 a.m. No.7721878   🗄️.is 🔗kun


You are correct, and anons need to be called out on that shit and reminded sometimes.

Some people compare people looking similar as a joke sometimes, kek

But when fags got into full Vincent JFK type faggotry they need to be given shit sometimes.

I can understand that.kek

Anonymous ID: 412834 Jan. 5, 2020, 8:22 a.m. No.7722215   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2263 >>2287


I love how they call it a non profit, when these people make millions.

Nirmal P. Narvekar named CEO of Harvard’s $35.7 billion endowment


Paul J Finnigan sounds familiar too, maybe from a past dig? In Chicago?