Anonymous ID: 5bf456 Jan. 5, 2020, 6:26 a.m. No.7721564   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1595

The Department of Homeland Security has posted a bulletin warning of an increased terrorism risk from January 4 until the 18th over the US killing of Iranian military leader Qassem Soleimani.


The bulletin, posted to the National Terrorism Advisory System, is the lowest type of advisory the agency can issue. The bulletins general describe general trends regarding terrorism, rather than specific threats.

Anonymous ID: 5bf456 Jan. 5, 2020, 6:35 a.m. No.7721604   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Airstrike kills at least 28 and leaves dozens injured after missile pounds Tripoli military school while cadets are lined up on parade ground


At the time of the air strike the 28 cadets were gathered on the parade ground

The military school is in al-Hadba al-Khadra, a residential part of Libyan capital

The Government of National Accord (GNA) has called for blood donors to assist

Since 2011 Libya has been divided between the GNA and authorities in the east

At least 28 people were killed and dozens injured on Saturday in an air strike on a military school in the Libyan capital Tripoli.


At the time of the strike the cadets were gathered on a parade ground before going to their dormitories.


The southern part of Tripoli has seen fierce fighting since last April, when military strongman Khalifa Haftar began an offensive against the GNA.


Libya was plunged into chaos with the toppling and killing of longtime dictator Muammar Gaddafi in a 2011 NATO-backed uprising.


It has since become divided between the GNA and rival authorities based in the country's east.


GNA forces accused those loyal to Haftar of the strike, posting photos of the victims and the wounded on Facebook.

Anonymous ID: 5bf456 Jan. 5, 2020, 6:57 a.m. No.7721736   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1773 >>1922 >>2060 >>2263 >>2287

>>7721039. More HRC from Wikileaks 9/9/11

Hezbollah and Cuba, plans for South America


September 9, 2011 For: Hillary From: Sid Re: Hezbollah & Cuba During the week of September 5, 2011 extremely sensitive sources reported in confidence that the Israeli Intelligence and Security Service (Mossad) has informed the leadership of the Israeli Government that Hezbollah is establishing an operational base in Cuba, designed to support terrorist attacks throughout Latin America


—While this operation is aimed particularly at Israeli diplomatic and business interests, these sources believe that Hezbollah supporters have been instructed to also begin casing facilities associated with the United States and the United Kingdom, including diplomatic missions, major banks, and businesses in the region. These individuals believe that the Hezbollah military commanders in Lebanon and Syria view these U.S. and U.K. entities as contingency targets to be attacked in the event of U.S. and British military intervention in either Syria or Iran, at some point in the future.

—(Source Comment: One particularly sensitive source noted that during the 1980s reliable information indicated that Hezbollah carried out similar contingency casing operations against U.S., British, and Israeli facilities and businesses in Latin America, Europe and North Africa.

—This source also notes that there is at least one precedent for operational use of these contingency plans: On March 17, 1992 the terrorist group Islamic Jihad destroyed the Israeli Embassy in Buenos Aires, Argentina with a bomb hidden in a small truck; acting on behalf of Hezbollah in retaliation for the death of Hezbollah General Secretary Abbas al-Musawi in February 1992 at the hands of Israeli forces. In the opinion of this sensitive source Hezbollah operatives cased the Israeli Embassy at an earlier date as part of a contingency plan of attack that was activated following Musawi's death.)


The Hezbollah office in Cuba is being established under direct orders from the current General Secretary Hasan Nasrallah, who replaced Musawi in 1992. According to the information available to this source, in preparation for establishment of the base, Nasrallah, working from inside of Lebanon, carried out secret negotiations with representatives of the Cuban Government, particularly the Cuban Intelligence Service


(General Intelligence Directorate — DGI), agreeing to , maintain a very low profile inside of Cuba. Nasrallah also promised to take measures to avoid


UNCLASSIFIED U.S. Department of State Case No. F-2014-20439 Doc No. C05782918 Date: 02/13/2016 any trail of evidence that could lead back to Cuba in the event of a Hezbollah attack in Latin America. (Source Comment: According to this knowledgeable individual, it is not clear that the DGI assisted with either the establishment or development of cover for the Office.)

—In the opinion of these individuals, Nasrallah hopes to link future terrorist attacks in Latin America to the February 12, 2008 assassination of Hezbollah senior military operative Imad Mugniyeh in Syria. While many knowledgeable individuals in the Middle East believe that Mugniyeh was killed by his rivals inside of Hezbollah, Nasrallah wishes to link the death to Israel. According to this sensitive source, Nasrallah believes that an attack in Latin America would be an excellent symbolic gesture for such a statement, since Mugniyeh is credited with organizing the 1992 Buenos Aires attack on the Israeli Embassy. (Note: As mentioned above.)

—This same source indicated that the Hezbollah military planners believe their operational and support cells in Paraguay, Brazil and Venezuela are best prepared to carry out active operations at this time, if they can receive effective support from the base in Cuba. (Source Comment: In the opinion of a particularly sensitive source, these Hezbollah cells in Latin America are relatively small, and maintain low profiles in their home countries. According to this individual, these cells draw their base of support from the Lebanese communities in these countries.)

Anonymous ID: 5bf456 Jan. 5, 2020, 7:05 a.m. No.7721787   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1922 >>2060 >>2263 >>2287

More HRC Wiki, Gates has concerns on Nuclear IRan


From: Hillary Clinton To: Jake Sullivan Date: 2010-04-17 03:58 Subject: GATES/IRAN

UNCLASSIFIED U.S. Department of State Case No. F-2014-20439 Doc No. C05774930


Date: 08/31/2015 RELEASE IN FULL From: H < Sent: Sunday, April 18, 2010 10:58 AM To: '' Subject: Re: Gates/Iran

Also, did you talk w Feltmann?


Original Message From: Sullivan, Jacob J <SullivanJJ@state.govTo: H Sent: Sat Apr 17 21:06:53 2010

Subject: Gates/Iran Have you seen this story? I look forward to discussing.


Gates Says U.S. Lacks Strategy to Curb Iran's Nuclear Drive


By DAVID E. SANGER and THOM SHANKER Published: April 18, 2010 WASHINGTON - Defense Secretary Robert M. Gates has warned in a secret three-page memorandum to top White House officials that the United States does not have an effective long-range policy for dealing with Iran's steady progress toward nuclear capability, according to government officials familiar with the document.

—Several officials said the highly classified analysis, written in January to President Obama's national security adviser, Gen. James L. Jones, touched off an intense effort inside the Pentagon, the White House and the intelligence agencies to develop new options for Mr. Obama. They include a revised set of military alternatives, still under development, to be considered should diplomacy and sanctions fail to force Iran to change course. —Officials familiar with the memo's contents would describe only portions dealing with strategy and policy, and not sections that apparently dealt with secret operations against Iran, or how to deal with Persian Gulf allies. •

—One senior official, who like others spoke on the condition of anonymity because of the sensitive nature of the memo, described the document as "a wake-up call."

But White House officials dispute that view, insisting that for 15 months they had been conducting detailed planning for many possible outcomes regarding Iran's nuclear program


In an interview on Friday, General Jones declined to speak about the memorandum. But he said: "On Iran, we are doing what we said we were going to do. The fact that we don't announce publicly our entire strategy for the world to see doesn't mean we don't have a strategy that anticipates the full range of contingencies - we do."

But in his memo, Mr. Gates wrote of a variety of concerns, including the absence of an effective strategy should Iran choose the course that many government and outside analysts consider likely: Iran could assemble all the major parts it needs for a nuclear weapon - fuel, designs and detonators - but stop just short of assembling a fully operational weapon

In that case, Iran could remain a signatory of the Nuclear Nonproliferation Treaty while becoming what strategists call a "virtual" nuclear weapons state. According to several officials, the memorandum also calls for new thinking about how the United States might contain Iran's power if it decided to produce a weapon, and how to deal with the possibility that fuel or weapons could be….


Link to 1,000s of HRC emails on Iran

Anonymous ID: 5bf456 Jan. 5, 2020, 7:23 a.m. No.7721900   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1922 >>1952 >>2060 >>2263 >>2287

I think I found one of the impetus for Obama admin to strike a nuclear deal with Iran More wiki HRC




From: Heintz To: Date: 2010-12-21 03:00 Subject:



US-Iran relations are never ripe for an opening but there is high risk to continuing to put it off. We propose that you urge the President to instruct you to open a direct relationship with Iran. That might begin by a letter of congratulations to Foreign Minister Salehi offering to work with him toward a new relationship

The burden rests on the US to convince an uncertain Iranian leadership to come out of its shell. The next few months offer an opportune moment for a new policy.

—The 2010 sanctions are taking a toll on Iran but are not changing Iran's behavior. The Iranian government has moved in a more repressive direction against the opposition and for consolidation of Khamenei/Ahmadinej ad power, with an increasing role of the Iranian Revolutionary Guard.

The Administration has a responsibility and an opportunity now to take initiatives in 2011 that will diminish the possibility of conflict and enhance the US role in the Middle East We try to answer below

Why now? What are the elements of a new policy?

How to get started? II Why Now?

A. The Administration's 2009 moves to reset US policy in the Middle East and the Islamic world have been well received by most Islamic nations but undercut by Iran. A US policy of isolating Irais comforting and easier than alternatives but it also weakens the larger US objectives of resetting our role in the region. A new US policy toward Iran would enhance the administration's regional strategy and return the US to being a strategic player rather than a polarizing one

B. The President's initiatives to engage Iran last year failed. The Iranian expectations for corrective actions from the Obama administration have been high. Iran's self image as an aggrieved victim of the US perfidy and efforts at regime change, provide a partial explanation for the Iranian unresponsiveness. Another factor has been Iran's domestic turmoil, almost unprecedented since the 1979 revolution. As a result the leadership has been even more immobilized than usual on whether and under what conditions to meet with American officials. Now is the time to return with even greater authority in an effort to talk to the Iranians C. Significant US steps toward engagement now would surprise Iran's leaders. A new policy now would be more effective in changing Iranian behavior than the sanctions have been. The multilateral agreements in 2010 to strengthen the sanctions against Iran have sent a strong message to the Iranian leadership about the seriousness of the Obama administration. But the sanctions have also reinforced Iran's determination to stay the course. Iran's leaders perceive US policies over the past 30 years of seeking to isolate, punish, threaten, subvert, sanction, intimidate, and overthrow if possible Iran as a permanent fixture of American foreign policy. They have been successful in convincing the Iranian public that they are right. Now is the time to engage the Iranians with a new and determined US policy. D. Failure to reach an agreement soon on Iran's nuclear program will increase the risk that Iran will have the capacity to develop a nuclear weapon. The decision to continue to deploy UNSC…

Anonymous ID: 5bf456 Jan. 5, 2020, 7:33 a.m. No.7721952   🗄️.is 🔗kun


The consequences of prolonging the current policy without accomplishing any of its objectives will degrade US authority and power. Another consequence will be the missed opportunity to engage Iran in a long term constructive regional strategy:

1) To put in place a crisis management understanding that will reduce the possibility of US-Iran conflict in the Gulf or over Iraq and Afghanistan.

2) To deal directly with Iran over its nuclear program. 3) To help establish a regional security structure aimed at giving Iran and the Gulf states a greater sense of stability.

4) To build a regional stabilization program for Afghanistan and Iraq,

5) To carry out a joint program to reduce drug trafficking,

6) To develop a coordinated effort to deal with refugees in the region.

7)To develop together approaches to weaken the Taliban and destroy Qa'eda and eventually to weaken Iran's support for Hamas and Hezbollah.

8)To develop other common approaches to serious issues in the region where U.S. and Iranian interests are at play — drugs, refugees are examples.


III WHAT ARE THE ELEMENTS OF A NEW POLICY? The US should make a determined and carefully designed effort to get the Iranians to the table. The risks of delaying this relationship are getting higher. Any new policy toward Iran should begin with the following characteristics.