Anonymous ID: 82a417 Jan. 5, 2020, 6:50 a.m. No.7721692   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1765 >>2068

>>7721291 (lb)


Just wanted to comment on @3days3nights removal from twatter.

No one know why obviously (other than @jack is a dick)


However, the other day @LisaMei62 made some indirect passive-aggressive comments regarding 3D3N. (rather than calling him out if she saw a problem)

Then @Jordan_Sather_ chimed in naming him directly (something about a Q&A he does)


This is seriously Fucked-up!


I've seen some of the guy's threads, some very thought-provoking and although I don't always agree, he makes it clear he's never claimed to be a Q "insider (just the opposite).

He does some spitballing like we all do, but has some very interesting theories, which more often than not (whether from him or others) spawn diggs.

Everyone's work is important, if they've taken the time to dig and contribute freely without fame-fagging (I have no idea who this individual is btw, he/she is anon).


We are all imperfect people, with incomplete information trying to make some sense of this shit-storm.

Everyone has different motivations as to why they're here, I just want the Truth exposed/Pain as I sure most here and on SM do.


It pisses me off to see Maga vs. Maga. We have enough enemies without divisive infighting.


If we can't look past our differences & stay united, God help us, because no one else will.


(Rant over.)