Anonymous ID: d45104 Jan. 5, 2020, 6:28 a.m. No.7721572   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1580

‘’’Iran Forward Operating Bases against the U.S.’’’ (from 2017)


Iran's aim is to use American's northern neighbour, Canada, as a "forward operating base" for influence operations against the American government.

Anonymous ID: d45104 Jan. 5, 2020, 6:45 a.m. No.7721661   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1717


Agreed Anon, but my feeling is that the northern border may be an even greater threat. There is no wall. There is a lot of wilderness along the northern border. And we have a government who is complicit with Iran.


´´´A Canadian U-turn on Iran’´´


Most alarming to the U.S. has been Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau's position on Iran, where the regime seems to want to increase its influence in Canada due to its proximity to the U.S. Trudeau has been enabling this penetration.


The discord between Canada and the U.S. was evident on a series of matters related to the North American Free Trade Agreement, but what went on behind the scenes was far more critical.


As long as leaders in the West who hold such views remain in power, Canada will be on the watchlist of those who oppose the spread of Islamic extremism and theocratic dictatorships. Canada may well be living through its highest-risk moment since World War II.


Further, Justin Trudeau’s brother, Alexandre has worked for the Iranian government


´´´Prime Minister’s Brother Alexandre Trudeau Makes Film JUSTIFYING Iran’s Nuclear Arms Build-Up´´´


So brother Alex is a film maker for the militant Iranian regime.

Anonymous ID: d45104 Jan. 5, 2020, 7:13 a.m. No.7721839   🗄️.is 🔗kun


On the contrary Anon. I have tremendous faith in your military and I pray for them regularly. I wish we had a military here in Canada.


I am a leaf and sadly have to deal with the shitshow going on here. The population demographics have been changing very rapidly in this country as has our federal government…many in the government are Muslim Brotherhood, Iranian or both. Ontario now apparently has a registered Islamic Party that will be running in the next provincial election. In Trudeau, we have our very own Obama.


I am simply passing on what I see going on in my country in order to help Americans understand the threat that your neighbour to the North has become and is becoming. While there are many of us here who stand with Americans in our support for President Trump and your military, there are still many sheep who remain deep in their slumber too.