Anonymous ID: e83e91 Jan. 5, 2020, 6:21 a.m. No.7721542   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1770 >>1773 >>1795

Speaker Pelosi Threatens Possibility of Armed Conflict Against U.S. Department of Justice…

Posted on January 3, 2020 by sundance


Think about all of the media panel discussions on gun ownership you have watched; segments where second amendment advocates were ridiculed by media pundits for daring to bring up the possibility of the U.S. government using arms against U.S. citizens who hold opposing political views… There are hundreds of recent reference points.


Now consider, earlier today U.S. House of Representatives Legal Counsel, Douglas Letter, argued in court it would be a possible remedy -for a conflict between branches of government- for Speaker Nancy Pelosi to order an armed “gun battle” between the House and the United States Department of Justice. Yes, this actually happened.


At the same time as national Democrat political candidates are arguing to remove the constitutional rights of law-abiding gun owners, the highest ranking Democrat in the United States; a person only two succession-steps away from the presidency; is arguing in DC federal court the House could begin an armed conflict against the Dept. of Justice.


BACKGROUND – Federal appeals court judges aggressively grilled lawyers for the Justice Department and the House of Representatives Friday in a pair of intertwined cases that could have major implications for Donald Trump’s presidency and the Democrats’ ongoing efforts to remove him from office.


During back-to-back hearings spanning about three hours, the judges drilled in on the House Judiciary Committee’s dual quests to learn special counsel Robert Mueller’s grand jury secrets and to secure testimony from Don McGahn, Trump’s former top White House lawyer. The two hearings were overseen by two partially overlapping, three-judge panels. (read more)

Anonymous ID: e83e91 Jan. 5, 2020, 6:25 a.m. No.7721558   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1625

Ali was not held criminal responsible for the attack, which saw three uniformed personnel wounded, as he was deemed not to be in a fit state of mind, when he explained that Allah told him to carry out the attack.


Ali was originally charged with attempted murder, assault causing bodily harm and assault with a weapon, as well as carrying a weapon, for the benefit of a terrorist organization.


In reaching the decision, the National Post reports:


…an Ontario judge found that while Ali carried out the attack based on his extremist beliefs, the formation of those beliefs was precipitated by mental illness. The judge also found Ali was not acting on behalf of or for the benefit of a terrorist group.


Arguments presented to the Appeal Court concerning public safety were considered.


“It is clear from the reasons of the board and the conduct of the hearing that the board carefully considered all of the required factors in making its disposition regarding the limited indirect supervision privilege and made no error of law. Its decision was not unreasonable,” the appeal court said.