Anonymous ID: 1863e5 Jan. 5, 2020, 9:37 a.m. No.7722796   🗄️.is 🔗kun

>>7721823 (pb)

This defensive strategy has been employed successfully by Israel for decades. Assure that the response to any attack will be unacceptably disproportionate to any state-backed act of terrorism. It certainly helps when the target state is widely accepted as such like Iran and is target-rich as Iran.


Iran is now exposed like never before as the Chinese(?) proxy terrorist state which is so vulnerably extended over so many high conflict hot spots worldwide. This is what @POTUS has been telling Iran and the World in CAPS. The neutering of Iran was always part of the plan and it is unfolding nicely as more and more nations are coming out in support of the strike against Soleimani like Pakistan here and Germany/Merkel yesterday.


The elimination of Iran from the chess board is well on its way as its Ayatollahs are being whipsawed between the slow emasculation of its extended terror network abroad, the degradation of its nuclear fixed-targets (anyone who thinks that the recent event at Iran's nuclear plant was an 'earthquake' doesn't know that the seismic readings are the smoking gun. The aftershocks which always follow an actual earthquake were absent here. It was ONE explosive shot) and the ever-growing protests of its own people which is known to be wide and deep. It cannot be over-emphasized just how important the death of the monster Soleimani is to the anti-government sentiment of the Iranian people. To them, he was considered to be every bit as evil and dangerous as were the two sons of Iraq's Hussein who raped, tortured and murdered so many innocent Iraqi's. Soleimani represented the head of the snake of the repressive secret police in Iran. With him and his deputy now eliminated, his minions are leaderless, in total disarray and do not want to be help responsible by the People of Iran for the evil and heinous crime perpetrated against them.


It will be very interdasting to watch what now enfolds within Iran as the Ayatollahs, having lost their Pit Bull enforcer, at home and abroad, will grow increasingly paranoid about @POTUS while constantly looking over its shoulder and guarding against a revolt by their own people.


General Flynn has been publicly predicting that it will be the Iranian People who will step up, take down the repressive regime and who will usher in an enlightenment period in Iran. The People of Iran, always well-cultured and highly educated, have been waiting for this change for far too long. The window of opportunity for this change has never been as open as it is now. Watch how the Iranian People rise up and expel the brutally repressive and culturally odious Ayatollahs.


It will be glorious.

Anonymous ID: 1863e5 Jan. 5, 2020, 10:10 a.m. No.7723063   🗄️.is 🔗kun


It is ALL about the DMT pumped out by the pineal gland when one is experiencing life-threatening stress. It allows Remote Viewing, Astral Projection and contact with other sentient entities, be they Good or the steady diminishing Evil. Hard to believe that even here, Astral Projection to a spiritual battleground is considered to be fringe thinking. Stargate was absolutely a real program and instead of being phased out as was officially explained, it went deeper within the bowels of the Security State.


Learning all of this (yes, anyone can learn how w/o using DMT or Ayahuasca) is available to the general public through a One Week "Gareway" course at The Monroe Institute in the rolling hills of Horse Country of Northern Virginia. Perhaps TMI is an arm of the Army of Northern Virginia? Regardless, it was spoopy from its beginnings but may have gone rogue from its original controllers.