Anonymous ID: 30e776 Jan. 5, 2020, 9:15 a.m. No.7722605   🗄️.is 🔗kun

>>7721787 (lb/pb)

Have the Israeli's lost their nerve or capability? They say they will deny nukes to anyone who wants death for Israel.

They pulled off op. Opera in 1981 destroying Saddam's plutonium reactor. Are we going to be their pet thugs and do their dirty work for them this time?


Anyone else ponder why the planner of the raid on the Osiraq reactor, Ilian Ramon, was killed in the Space Shuttle Challenger disaster? If 7/10 are intentional, that would be big. Any Morton Thiokol employees have Iraqi sympathies? Just a nick in one of the O rings could have caused the burn thru.

It's also reported the French were furious after the raid, losing millions they'd invested. Any Frogs working at MT? Why were the French invested in another plutonium source? Hmmm