Anonymous ID: 56ab6c Jan. 5, 2020, 8:49 a.m. No.7722403   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2582

Your smart TV is spying on you. Here are step-by-step instructions to stop it


Those smart TVs that sold for unheard of low prices over the holidays come with a catch. The price is super low, but the manufacturers get to monitor what you're watching and report back to third parties, for a fee.


Or, in some cases, companies like Amazon (with its Fire TV branded sets from Toshiba and Insignia) and TCL, with its branded Roku sets, look to throw those same personalized, targeted ads at you that you get when visiting Facebook and Google.


It doesn't have to be this way. You have the controls to opt out. Within just a few clicks, you can stop the manufacturers from snooping on you in the living room.

Anonymous ID: 56ab6c Jan. 5, 2020, 8:54 a.m. No.7722452   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Furry, cute and drooling herpes: what to do with Florida's invasive monkeys?

Rhesus macaques were introduced to Silver Springs state park in the 30s but, now 400 strong, they harbor a disease fatal to humans


Visitors to Florida’s picturesque Silver Springs state park have been warned that they may encounter an unusual threat: hundreds of wild, herpes-infected monkeys.


The monkeys, rhesus macaques, originate from two small groups released into the Silver Springs state park almost 100 years ago by an eccentric boat captain. Their numbers have soared since then, and experts predict there could be 400 roaming the park by 2022.

Anonymous ID: 56ab6c Jan. 5, 2020, 8:57 a.m. No.7722480   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2764

VATICAN CITY (AP) — The Vatican office responsible for processing clergy sex abuse complaints has seen a record 1,000 cases reported from around the world this year, including from countries it had not heard from before — suggesting that the worst may be yet to come in a crisis that has plagued the Roman Catholic Church.


Nearly two decades after the Vatican assumed responsibility for reviewing all cases of abuse, the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith is today overwhelmed, struggling with a skeleton staff that hasn’t grown at pace to meet the four-fold increase in the number of cases arriving in 2019 compared to a decade ago.


“I know cloning is against Catholic teaching, but if I could actually clone my officials and have them work three shifts a day or work seven days a week,” they might make the necessary headway, said Monsignor John Kennedy, the head of the congregation’s discipline section, which processes the cases.

Anonymous ID: 56ab6c Jan. 5, 2020, 9:02 a.m. No.7722512   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2534 >>2582

There goes the Dutch economy


Top Dutch firm NautaDutilh helps secure historic court ruling demanding climate action

Leading independent firm teams up with boutique Höcker to win case forcing Dutch government to cut emissions


The Supreme Court found that the Dutch government must reduce greenhouse gas emissions by at least 25% compared to 1990 levels by the end of 2020.


In a joint statement, the two firms said it was the first case in the world in which a national court had issued a specific order to reduce greenhouse gas emissions to a government on the basis of human rights.

Anonymous ID: 56ab6c Jan. 5, 2020, 9:11 a.m. No.7722569   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2595

Christians Beheaded for Christmas, The West Goes Back to Sleep


How much bigger and more extended must this war on Christians become before the West considers it a "genocide" and acts to prevent it?


The day after Christians were beheaded in Nigeria, Pope Francis admonished Western society. About beheaded Christians? No. "Put down your phones, talk during meals", the Pope said. He did not speak a single word about the horrific execution of his Christian brothers and sisters. A few days before that, Pope Francis hung a cross encircled by a life jacket in memory of migrants who lost their lives in the Mediterranean Sea. He did not commemorate the lives of Christians killed by Islamic extremists with even a mention.


German Chancellor Angela Merkel has said that her priority will be fighting climate change. She did not mention persecuted Christians. Meanwhile The Economist wrote that Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orbán, a passionate defender of persecuted Christians, politically "exploits" the issue.


"The United Nations has held inquiries and focuses its anger on Israel for defending itself against that same terrorist organization [Hamas]. But the barbarous slaughter of thousands upon thousands of Christians is met with relative indifference". — Ambassador Ronald S. Lauder, President of the World Jewish Congress, The New York Times, August 19, 2014.


Martha Bulus, a Nigerian Catholic woman, was going to her bridal party when she was abducted by Islamic extremists of Boko Haram. Martha and her companions were beheaded and their execution filmed. The video of the brutal murders of these 11 Christians was released on December 26 to coincide with Christmas celebrations. It is reminiscent of the images of other Christians dressed in orange jumpsuits bent on their knees on a beach, each being held by a masked, black-clad jihadist holding a knife at their throats. Their bodies were discovered in a mass grave in Libya.

Anonymous ID: 56ab6c Jan. 5, 2020, 9:16 a.m. No.7722619   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2660


Ebot What did I tell you ya about that Bullshit ya FKing Dumb


Babbling Birdbrain

Babbling Bumpkin

Bellicose Bumpkin

Benedict Arnold

Big Mouth

Blithering Blatherskite

Blithering Booby

Blithering Bumpkin

Blundering Bag of Bolts


Book Making Booby

Broken down Has Been

Brutish Product of the Mineral World

Bubble Brain

Anonymous ID: 56ab6c Jan. 5, 2020, 9:19 a.m. No.7722640   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2645 >>2657 >>2660 >>2715 >>3065

Iraqi Parliament Calls For US Troops to Leave


Iraq’s parliament has passed a resolution calling for foreign troops to leave the country in the wake of a U.S. air strike that killed Iran's top military commander, Qasem Soleimani, near Baghdad’s airport last week.


The Iraqi government “commits to revoke its request for assistance from the international coalition fighting [the Islamic State extremist group] due to the end of military operations in Iraq and the achievement of victory," the lawmakers said in the resolution adopted on January 5.


The government of Prime Minister Adil Abdul-Mahdi "must work to end the presence of any foreign troops on Iraqi soil and prohibit them from using its land, airspace, or water for any reason," they added.


Parliamentary resolutions are nonbinding to the government, but Abdul-Mahdi had earlier urged parliament to take urgent measures and end the presence of foreign troops as soon as possible.

Anonymous ID: 56ab6c Jan. 5, 2020, 9:22 a.m. No.7722668   🗄️.is 🔗kun


>Parliamentary resolutions are nonbinding to the government, but Abdul-Mahdi had earlier urged parliament to take urgent measures and end the presence of foreign troops as soon as possible.


Don't think it will actually happen ..unless Trump wants it to

Anonymous ID: 56ab6c Jan. 5, 2020, 9:27 a.m. No.7722707   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2759 >>2800

OH Lookie their back


ANTIFA Terrorizes Bar Owned by Retired Cop to Intimidate Trump Supporters in Philadelphia


ANTIFA terrorists targeted a Philadelphia bar with a violent rampage on New Years’ Day to send a message against law enforcement and the bar’s Trump supporting patrons.


Gillespie says that his bar has been at the receiving end of a campaign of threats and intimidation after it was learned that members of the Proud Boys group were allowed to drink at his bar.

Anonymous ID: 56ab6c Jan. 5, 2020, 9:31 a.m. No.7722744   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2819

It's the 'Sleeper Cells' Hiding in Congress Posing the Most Danger


“GENEVA, January 5, 2020 — In a tweet storm of more than two dozen posts, a top United Nations official declared the U.S. airstrike on Iranian terror mastermind Qassem Suleimani “unlawful,” saying it “violates international human rights law,” and she threatened U.S. officers with “criminal liability.” (Click here for links.)


Agnes Callamard, the UN Human Rights Council’s Special Rapporteur on Extrajudicial Executions, also tweeted about “World War III” in a tweet calling on UN Secretary General Antonio Guterres to use “legal tools” against the United States. (UN Watch, Jan. 5, 2020)


“Her reaction sharply contrasted with that of former UN chief Ban Ki-Moon, who following the U.S. killing of Osama bin Laden in 2011 said that he was “very much relieved by the news that justice has been done to such a mastermind of international terrorism.”


“Callamard’s tweet storm ignored Suleimani’s personal and ongoing role in directing terror attacks throughout the region, including the killing of more than 500,000 men, women and children in Syria, Iraq and Yemen,” said Executive Director, UN Watch, Hillel Neuer, “including many hundreds of protesters this year in Iraq and Iran.”


“If Bin Laden was a mastermind of international terrorism, as Ban Ki-moon noted, then Suleimani was the Olympic champion of masterminds of international terrorism.”


Courtesy of the the overbearing UN, the Democrats, whose Robert Mueller III Russian stole-the-election hoax and the Nancy Pelosi/Adam Schiff televised Impeachment ‘Inquiry’ ended in failure, have a new coup d’état to remove President Trump from office.


In other words, the Swamp has morphed into a veritable quagmire—just in time for Election 2020.

Anonymous ID: 56ab6c Jan. 5, 2020, 9:38 a.m. No.7722806   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Hunter Biden’s Blood Mine

Chinese company in which Hunter Biden invested may profit from brutal crackdown at African mine


The Chinese company in which Hunter Biden held a stake invested in a Congolese mine that was the site of gross human rights abuses and at least one death.


Biden, son of Democratic presidential frontrunner Joe Biden, joined the board of Chinese investment firm BHR in 2013, while his father served as vice president. He purchased a 10 percent stake in the company in 2017 and maintained that stake even after he resigned from the board in October. Among BHR's investments was the largest cobalt and copper mine in the Democratic Republic of Congo, the Tenke Fungurume mine, where the Congolese military in June executed a brutal crackdown on illegal mining viewed as a threat to the mine's bottom line. Since then, the military has torched houses and cracked down on dissent in the region—actions that drew the condemnation of human rights groups.

Anonymous ID: 56ab6c Jan. 5, 2020, 9:52 a.m. No.7722909   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2931 >>2954 >>3068

California’s Cannabis Taxes are Fueling Crime, Destroying the Environment, and Killing Jobs


California — It’s been two years since California began licensing businesses to sell legal marijuana. Unfortunately, however, the legal scene is far outmatched by the black market, and the state government is 100% responsible. Instead of reacting to the negative effects of state involvement in the cannabis market, the government of California has doubled down and will vastly increase the burden on legal operations which is certain to create more crime, damage the environment further, and stoke unemployment and business closures.


And the state couldn’t care less.


At the end of 2019, the Cannabis Advisory Committee warned Gov. Gavin Newsom and California legislators that high taxes, overly burdensome regulations and local control issues posed debilitating obstacles to the legal marijuana market. In response, California officials enacted a new a law on New Year’s day to increase these taxes and overly burdensome regulations.

Anonymous ID: 56ab6c Jan. 5, 2020, 9:56 a.m. No.7722946   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Watching Trump Derangement Syndrome in action in 2020


We’re only five days into 2020, but thanks to the Soleimani strike, Trump Derangement Syndrome is already exceeding anything we’ve seen before.


I knew that 2019 wasn’t the year of peak crazy Trump Derangement Syndrome, despite the excesses of the House’s impeachment process. I knew that the Left would be compulsively driven to up its game during the election year. and I must say, less than a week in 2020, and with help from the Soleimani strike, the Left has already surpassed itself in ways I never could have imagined. Today, I thought I’d give you a look at three articles from Leftists who can’t even when it comes to daily horrors of the Trump presidency.


First up is Robert Reich. In 2020, Hillary toured the world in ugly muumuus while imagining she was Mrs. President and Bill vanished from the scene ever since Jeffrey “I did not kill myself” Epstein’s arrest. They were easy to ignore.


Hard Left Clinton gnome Robert Reich, though, just won’t go away. And when I say “gnome,” I’m not referring to his physical stature, which is an unkind trick of nature. I’m referring to his minuscule mental stature, which is entirely his own fault and which is something that keeps him in the spotlight as a Leftist intellectual icon.

Anonymous ID: 56ab6c Jan. 5, 2020, 10:10 a.m. No.7723066   🗄️.is 🔗kun

A Second Amendment sanctuary movement is sweeping through Kentucky. Here’s why.


Adorned in military-pattern camouflage from head to toe, David Johnson stood in front of a packed courthouse in Letcher County this week and proclaimed his support for a local resolution to designate Letcher County a “2nd Amendment Sanctuary.”


The crowd roared in support as Johnson ended his speech, as it did for every other speaker who warned of a perceived impending threat: the federal and state governments’ incursion on gun rights.


Letcher County is one of the latest Kentucky counties to pass such a resolution. It joined about half a dozen others, including Harlan, Leslie and Cumberland counties. Dozens of others have meetings or votes scheduled to consider making their counties Second Amendment “sanctuaries.”


“Tonight, I feel that we the people of Letcher County, and not just Letcher County but the state of Kentucky, and not just the state of Kentucky but of these United States of America, can stand up as law abiding citizens and proclaim that we are constitutional to the bitter end,” Johnson said to the crowd.


The resolutions have picked up significant steam in recent weeks. Multiple advocacy groups on Facebook have attracted thousands of followers. One group, Kentucky United, has garnered more than 70,000 members since its founding Dec. 10, and has spurred several local offshoots.