Anonymous ID: 9ed586 Jan. 5, 2020, 8:50 a.m. No.7722413   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun   >>2423 >>2552 >>2755 >>2932 >>3035

Chinese delegation plans to travel to Washington to sign trade deal: SCMP


A Chinese trade delegation is planning to travel to Washington on Jan. 13 for the signing of the U.S.-China Phase 1 trade deal, the South China Morning Post reported on Sunday citing a source briefed on the matter.


The Chinese delegation will return on Jan. 16, SCMP said.


The trade delegation, led by Vice Premier Liu He, had originally planned to set off earlier in the month but had to change plans after U.S. President Donald Trump sent a tweet here claiming that he would sign the Phase 1 trade deal with China on Jan. 15.


After a full afternoonโ€™s discussion, the Chinese side decided to revise their plan to accommodate Trump, SCMP said.


Washington and Beijing have yet to officially confirm Liuโ€™s visit. Trump had first announced plans for the initial trade pact in October, and U.S. and Chinese negotiators spent weeks finalizing the Phase 1 deal, which comes in lieu of the massive trade agreement that the worldโ€™s two largest economies had initially sought.


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