Anonymous ID: b83a8a Jan. 5, 2020, 9:35 a.m. No.7722772   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2793 >>2833 >>2908 >>2964








So we got ukraine, eric schmidt or snowden and pierre omidyar (po).


Family jewels = slang term for clown black ops in fpreign countries.


Ukraine connects to all this probably through the harvard owned land there (see pb notable).


Now what is the connection to the israeli embassy in cyprus?


A couple of days ago a gas export deal was signed between israel, cyprus, egypt, and greece. PapaD was a key figure in making this deal a reality, and it was negotiated partially via the israeli embassy on cyprus.

Anonymous ID: b83a8a Jan. 5, 2020, 9:52 a.m. No.7722908   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2943 >>2953 >>2975 >>3023 >>3064 >>3085





I think i cracked it.


Es = snowden

Ts = tom steyer

Po = pierre omidyar.


Now look at this:


>Omidyar is the principle owner of First Look Media, the parent corporation of The Intercept. While The Intercept has covered important issues in the past, it has been charged with privatizing Edward Snowden’s leaks and promoting regime change efforts in Syria


>Furthermore, The Intercept possesses a troubling record of outing the identities of those leaking secret government information. In a word, Omidyar has used his influence over The Intercept to stifle dissent while promoting the outlet as a pioneer of “independent” media.


>He has donated millions to the Clinton Global Initiative responsible for imposing ruthless austerity measures on nations such as Haiti. There is also documented evidence that Omidyar used his philanthropic network to support the “Maidan Revolution” in Ukraine in 2014 which propelled neo-Nazis into state power, much to the pleasure of the IMF. The billionaire eBay mogul has also been a critical supporter of the United States Agency for International Development or USAID.


Now i know it is taken from a leftist propaganda website, but these excerpts are actually backed.


So it appears the steyer and especially omidyar, were involved in the ukrainian "maidan civil war" i.e. the overthrow of victor yanukovich and the crowning of petro poroshenko as president, escalating the conflict with russia.

And omidyar was a big donor to the Clinton global intiative, as well as being a vocal anti trumper.


The question is, how does the israeli gas deal and papaD tie to this.

Anonymous ID: b83a8a Jan. 5, 2020, 9:59 a.m. No.7722981   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2994



  1. This is not q, but an anon with 1 post.


  1. Reread Qpost #1911:


It should be clear in this context ES = @Snowden

It should be clear based on prev drop re: game comms why ES was included.

It should be clear that 'ES' was used in both (GOOG + @Snowden) drops to est a link.