Anonymous ID: fd351c Jan. 5, 2020, 9:47 a.m. No.7722880   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2906 >>2935


>Q and Q+ purposely retweet disinformation accounts to help us discern. That crazy dancing chick is DEFINITELY BAD NEWS!!

>Shes fucking crazytown


>She is batshit insane, blocked me for no reason at all. This is what she keeps spamming. Q doesn't point out accounts like these for no reason - there is truth in this.


>i think it also serves as a litmus test for the acct holders

>they get a taste of their 15min of fame and most of them go full on lady gaga larp




>name/trip/egofaggotry= death of accounts, movements, boards…

>That lady is nuts, agreed.



>Discernment is always necessary.


I agree


Remember when Q warned us about that tall bitch Kate who claimed that she prevented an assassination attempt? She was a former Hillary supporter with multiple shill tweeter accounts. This Michele chick joined in Dec? It was a Q warning (PLEIADIANS = old C_A gatekeeper psyop)