Anonymous ID: 34cead Jan. 5, 2020, 10:15 a.m. No.7723112   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Khan’s London: Islamic Centre of England Holds Mass Memorial for Slain Iran General


The Islamic Centre of England in Maida Vale, Kilburn, London, has held a mass memorial for slain Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps general Qasem Soleimani.


Soleimani, who as leader of the Quds Force of the Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC) had been held responsible for directing the activities of Iran’s proxy militias and other assets in Iraq, Syria, and elsewhere, and for fomenting the recent siege of the U.S. embassy in Baghdad.


Consequently, he was eliminated by a U.S. drone strike ordered by President Donald Trump, along with Kataib Hezbollah founder Abu Mahdi Al-Muhandis.


The Iranian, described as the “Osama bin Laden of the Shiite world” by Aaron Klein, was described as an “honourable Islamic commander” by Islamic Centre of England director Seyed Hashem Moosavi in an official message of condolence.


The message of condolence praised Soleimani as a man “consistently present on the battlefield with the devils and the diabolic powers of the world” who “did not stop his struggle for one moment”.


“May God bless Haj Ghasem!” it declared.


“On the occasion of his martyrdom and that of his entourage, especially the great mujahid of Islam the honourable Abu Mahdi al-Muhandis, I offer my condolences and my congratulations to the Imam al-Mahdi (a). I also extend my condolences to the great leader of Iran, Aytollah Khamenei, to the family members of the martyrs, and to the admirable nations of Iran and Iraq,” it concluded, with the director signing off as the “Representative of Ayatollah al- Uzma Sayyid Ali Khamenei (May Allah give him long life)”.


Mourners “squeezed” into the Islamic Centre to attend the memorial for Soleimani and his entourage, according to a MailOnline report, accompanied by pictures of large crowds gathered both within and without the building and and an officiant standing behind a portrait of the commander and Al-Muhandis.


Breitbart London reported on Saturday that the Muslim population of England surpassed three million in 2016, greater than the total populations of Wales and Northern Ireland — although most adhere to Sunni sects of Islam, while the Islamic Republic of Iran is Shiite.

Anonymous ID: 34cead Jan. 5, 2020, 10:17 a.m. No.7723125   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Labour Leader Candidate Jess Phillips Pledges to Fight to Rejoin EU


In the race to replace far-left Jeremy Corbyn as Labour Party chief, Jess Phillips has staked out a Hard Remain position, vowing to “fight” to rejoin the European Union as leader.


The Member of Parliament for Birmingham Yardley, who announced on Friday her bid to replace septuagenarian socialist Jeremy Corbyn as the leader of the Labour Party, told the BBC that as leader she would continue to make the argument for the United Kingdom to be a part of the European Union.


“If it’s safer, more economically viable, to be in the EU, I will fight for that, regardless of how difficult that argument is to make”, Phillips insisted.


“As somebody who has a Leave seat but campaigned for Remain, I thought it was the best thing for the people. I am not going just to just change my mind on that,” she vowed.


The MP’s comments were ridiculed by Rupert Lowe, a Brexit Party MEP, who wrote on Twitter that her Remainer stance would further alienate working-class voters.


“If the next Labour leader goes into any election backing ‘rejoin’ then they have learnt absolutely nothing. They just sacrificed their working-class support and look where it got them”, Lowe wrote.


“Let’s hope they’re stupid enough to go for it!”


Ms Phillips’s comments on Brexit come in contrast to her opponent in the leadership race, millionaire lawyer Sir Keir Starmer, who has said that “the argument has to move on and we the Labour Party need to accept that Leave/Remain, that divide, goes in a few weeks time”.


“This election blew away the argument for a second referendum, rightly or wrongly, and we have to adjust to that situation”, Starmer added — although he has made similar claims about accepting Brexit before pushing to overturn it before.


Also this week, Jess Phillips lashed out at President Donald Trump over his handling of Iran, declaring that “I would have absolutely no problem in confronting Donald Trump”.


“Because the reason it feels reckless, the reason it feels dangerous, is because the faith that we have currently in the current Commander-in-Chief is we don’t know what the plan is. What’s his plan in taking this action, what plans are there for if it escalates, what are the diplomatic plans as well as interventionist plans?”


The timetable for the Labour leadership contest will be outlined by the party on Monday.

Anonymous ID: 34cead Jan. 5, 2020, 10:18 a.m. No.7723132   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3329 >>3341 >>3350 >>3571 >>3734 >>3818

Republican AGs Say Bloomberg Is Secretly Embedding An Army Of Anti-Trump Attorneys Inside State Offices


Republican attorneys general say billionaire Michael Bloomberg is engaging in a politically partisan ploy to use Democratic AGs to go after energy companies.

Bloomberg Philanthropies plowed millions of dollars into a nonprofit group that has embedded 18 attorneys into 11 Democratic AG offices, some of whom have gone on to sue ExxonMobil and the Trump administration.

The head of the Republican Attorney General Association argues Bloomberg’s work would be a major scandal if he was President Donald Trump and was financing GOP AGs.


Republican attorneys general are arguing that billionaire Michael Bloomberg is using his vast wealth to embed an army of lawyers into state offices for the purpose of taking on oil companies and President Donald Trump.


Bloomberg Philanthropies financed a group that is planting private attorneys into state attorneys general offices for the explicit purpose of pushing back against Trump’s regulatory rollbacks.


“What’s problematic is the arrangement through which a private organization or individual can promote an overtly political agenda by paying the salaries of government employees,” Indiana Attorney General (AG) Curtis Hill, a Republican, told the Daily Caller News Foundation, citing a common criticism of New York University’s State Energy and Environmental Impact Center (SEEIC).


Bloomberg’s philanthropy supported the center with a $6 million grant. The NYU School of Law launched the group in 2017 to “identify and hire NYU Law Fellows who serve as special assistant attorneys general in state attorney general offices, focusing on clean energy, climate and environmental matters,” according to the NYU Law website.


Bloomberg, a prominent Democratic donor and presidential contender in 2020, is effectively weaponizing attorneys general offices for his own purposes, Republicans say.


SEEIC said in a December 2019 report that state attorneys general had taken 300 “significant” actions since the start of the Trump administration in early 2017. The report fleshed out work AGs are doing to combat Trump’s climate policies.



Anonymous ID: 34cead Jan. 5, 2020, 10:21 a.m. No.7723152   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Antifa Left-Extremists Arrested After New Year’s Violence


The district court of Leipzig has ordered warrants for the arrest of four far-left extremists accused of assaulting police officers and engaging in bodily harm on New Year’s Eve.


The four extremists, aged 27, 29, 30 and 32-years-old, were taken before a judge earlier this week after being arrested in connection with violent riots in the Connewitzer Kreuz area, a noted far-left stronghold in the city, German tabloid Bild reports.


The main arrest warrant was issued against a 27-year-old extremist who is accused of assaulting several law enforcement officials and the other three are being held in custody because none of them has fixed addresses and police say they could flee the area.


The State Criminal Police Office (LKA) and its specialized far-left extremism division (LinX) say they are still investigating the serious assault on a police officer by an unknown individual. It is being treated as an attempted murder case.


The 38-year-old officer who was the victim in the attack was forced to undergo surgery at a local hospital on New Year’s Eve. Police described the operation as being an emergency, but some hospital staff have countered the claim, stating that the surgery was on the officer’s ear and was not life-threatening.


Leipzig police chief Torsten Schultze told the tabloid he thought the semantic debate of whether the operation was an emergency or not was “disgraceful.”


“An official was seriously injured and had to be operated on. That’s bad enough,” he said.

Anonymous ID: 34cead Jan. 5, 2020, 10:23 a.m. No.7723167   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3183 >>3350 >>3571 >>3734 >>3818

US Suspends Anti-ISIS Mission in Iraq to Protect Against Iranian Reprisals


The 5,000 U.S. troops in Iraq have suspended their anti-Islamic State mission to focus on force protection against expected retaliation from Iran or its proxies for the killing of Quds Force Maj. Gen. Qasem Soleimani, the U.S. command said Sunday.


Combined Joint Task Force-Operation Inherent Resolve's statement on its change of mission comes amid growing demands in Iraq's parliament for the complete withdrawal of U.S. forces from the country.


A series of rocket attacks on U.S. positions in Iraq over the last two months, including two more Saturday night, "has limited our capacity to conduct training with partners and to support their operations against Daesh [another name for ISIS] and we have therefore paused these activities," the task force said in the statement.


The U.S. is still committed to the train, advise and assist mission against ISIS, but "our first priority is protecting all coalition personnel," according to the statement.


The task force cited at least 11 wide-ranging rocket attacks over the last two months blamed on the Iranian-backed Kata'ib Hezbollah (KH) militia, including one on a base near Kirkuk on Dec. 27 that killed an American contractor and wounded several U.S. troops.


In response to the Kirkuk attack, U.S. F-15 Strike Eagle fighters carried out airstrikes against five KH targets in Iraq and Syria.


Last Thursday, President Donald Trump ordered the strike that killed Soleimani, who has been charged by the U.S. as the mastermind behind attacks that killed hundreds of U.S. troops since the 2003 invasion of Iraq.


In a statement Sunday, OIR spokesman Col. Myles B. Coggins II confirmed that two more rocket attacks occurred in quick succession Saturday night on Baghdad's Green Zone, which houses the U.S. Embassy, and Balad Air Base. There were no casualties.


The first attack occurred at about 7:46 p.m. local time on the Green Zone and the second at 7:50 p.m. at Balad, Coggins said, adding that the latest attacks brought the total over the last two months to 13.


He said that reports of a third attack near Mosul in northwestern Iraq were false.


The stunning move to suspend counter-terror missions against ISIS in Iraq came as the Iraqi parliament debated demands to order the withdrawal of U.S. forces to show the Baghdad government's condemnation of Soleimani's killing and avoid Iraq becoming the battlefield for a U.S.-Iran war.


In an address to parliament, acting Prime Minister Adil Abdul-Mahdi, who announced his resignation in early December and has stayed on in a caretaker capacity, called for "urgent measures" to bring about the withdrawal of all of the estimated 5,000 U.S. troops in Iraq.

Anonymous ID: 34cead Jan. 5, 2020, 10:25 a.m. No.7723190   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Drivers License Data Sold to Businesses, Given to Feds


As we start the year of the once-a-decade US Census, it’s an appropriate time to start looking at some of the ways and the purposes for which data — including drivers license data — is used and shared by the Bureau of the Census.


State agencies that issue drivers licenses want us not to object to their demands for more and more personal information about matters unrelated to driving — digital photos, scans of birth certificates and social security cards, etc. — in order to obtain drivers licenses that comply with the Federal REAL-ID Act.


State driver licensing agencies say we shouldn’t worry — notwithstanding the requirement of the REAL-ID Act that drivers’ license and state ID data be made available electronically to all other states — because this data will only be shared “as permitted by law”.


But what does that mean? What sharing of this data does the law permit?


Recent reports show that drivers license data can be, and is, widely shared with both commercial entities and federal agencies — including the Bureau of the Census, which will be conducting the decennial census in 2020 — for purposes unrelated to motor vehicle operation or drivers licenses. Both federal and state agencies say that all of this is permitted by the Drivers Privacy Protection Act (DPPA).


According to reports by based on responses to requests for state public records, selling drivers license data to for-profit businesses, mainly private investigators and debt collectors, is a major profit center for state driver licensing agencies. In California alone, the state Department of Motor Vehicles is making $50 million dollars a year selling drivers’ personal information to businesses for their private, commercial uses. There’s nothing illegal about this, says the DMV.

Anonymous ID: 34cead Jan. 5, 2020, 10:31 a.m. No.7723233   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3239 >>3242 >>3266



Dr. Robert Epstein — who testified against Hillary Clinton and Google in Congress — broke his silence Saturday about the recent death of his wife and raised possibility of foul play.


And, in a stunning Tweet, he pointed his finger in the direction of Hillary and Google.




It doesn’t get any more straight forward than that.


Yet another suspicious death linked to yet another critic of the Clinton’s, just months after a respected doctor and researcher got into a public spat with Hillary Clinton after revealing Google’s scheme to help her get elected to the White House.


A car crash claimed the life of the wife of the doctor, researcher and respected Hillary Clinton critic who testified to Congress that Google’s search algorithms were slanted to help Hillary Clinton beat Donald Trump in the 2016 presidential election.


Hillary Clinton attacked Dr. Robert Epstein for his research during the summer. And on Saturday, Epstein Tweeted about the untimely death of his wife.


“My beautiful wife Misti, a published poet, succumbed last night to injuries sustained in a car accident,” Epstein tweeted. “I was supposed to die in your arms some day, but a slippery road has ruined everything. You were not just my love, you were my greatest adventure.”

Anonymous ID: 34cead Jan. 5, 2020, 10:33 a.m. No.7723249   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Netanyahu gives cabinet seat to another lawmaker facing bribery charges


Forced to yield his portfolios due to corruption indictment, PM appoints David Bitan agriculture minister; Likud’s Hotovely and Shas’s Cohen also given ministries


Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu announced a series of high-level cabinet appointments on Sunday after being forced to drop all his ministerial posts due to the criminal charges against him.


Among the officials tapped by the premier was Likud MK David Bitan, who will serve as agriculture minister despite his own legal plight: Last March police recommended he be indicted on multiple corruption charges including bribery, fraud and money laundering.


Police said their two-year investigation had yielded sufficient evidence to charge Bitan, a key Netanyahu ally, with accepting money in exchange for political favors while he served as an MK and previously as deputy mayor of Rishon Lezion.


While he has denied any wrongdoing, Bitan, 59, stepped down from his role as coalition whip in 2017 shortly after news of the police investigation broke.


Netanyahu’s cabinet features another minister that police recommended stand trial for corruption: Interior Minister Aryeh Deri of Shas. Likud MK Haim Katz stepped down as welfare minister in August after the attorney general announced corruption charges against him.

Anonymous ID: 34cead Jan. 5, 2020, 10:35 a.m. No.7723269   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3287 >>3350 >>3571 >>3734 >>3818

Congress to clash over Trump's war powers


Democrats will attempt to curb President Trump’s war powers after a U.S. drone strike killed a senior Iranian military leader in what lawmakers are calling a major escalation that could lead to war.


Senate Democrats are mobilizing behind a resolution that would force Trump to withdraw American troops from hostilities against Iran unless Congress declares war or passes a resolution authorizing military force.


“I will do everything I can to assert our authority. We do not need this president either bumbling or impulsively getting us into a major war,” Senate Democratic Leader Charles Schumer (D-N.Y.) said Sunday on ABC’s “This Week with George Stephanopoulos.”


“We need Congress to be a check on this president,” he said.


The drone strike that killed Maj. Gen. Qassem Soleimani and several Iran-backed militia leaders drew a swift and angry rebuke from Iranian Supreme Leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei, who vowed “forceful revenge.”


Former NATO Supreme Allied Commander Admiral James Stavridis warned Sunday that Iran could target U.S. Navy ships in the Persian Gulf as well as senior U.S. military and diplomatic officials in Europe, whom he described as “soft targets.”


Kataib Hezbollah, the militant group that attacked a U.S. base in Kirkuk a week ago, killing a contractor, have said they will attack U.S. forces in the region in the coming days.


The Pentagon announced Friday that it would send an additional 3,000 troops to the Middle East.


Trump warned Saturday that if Iran strikes any Americans or Americans assets, U.S. forces would retaliate immediately.


“We have targeted 52 Iranian sites (representing the 52 American hostages taken by Iran many years ago),” he tweeted.


Democrats in both chambers warn that the United States and Iran may be on a path to a larger military clash, something Republicans worried about last year in the aftermath of other incidents like Iran’s downing of a U.S. surveillance drone in June.


House Democrats can essentially force a vote in the Senate because the war-powers resolution is privileged, but they’re unlikely to get the two-thirds majority needed in both chambers to overcome an expected presidential veto if the measure makes it to Trump’s desk.


Republicans, meanwhile, have rallied around the president for ordering the drone strike in Baghdad that killed Soleimani. Any resolution to curb Trump’s power to attack Iran is likely to receive less GOP support than a resolution Congress passed last year to force the administration to end U.S. military support for the civil war in Yemen.

Anonymous ID: 34cead Jan. 5, 2020, 10:39 a.m. No.7723297   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3325 >>3350 >>3389 >>3571 >>3734 >>3818

Iranian Official: Retaliation For Killing of Soleimani Will Include Strikes on Haifa and Defense Bases in Israel


On Friday morning the United States killed General Qassim Soleimani, a top commander of Iran’s al-Quds Force, in an airstrike at Baghdad’s International Airport. The strike also killed Abu Mahdi al-Muhandis, the deputy commander of Iran-backed militias known as the Popular Mobilization Forces. Seven people were reportedly killed in the airstrike.


The Iranians are threatening retaliation against the United States following the death of their terror leader.


Former Iranian Revolutionary Guard commander Mohsen Rezaei said on Sunday the retaliation for the killing of IRGC al-Quds Force chief Qasem Soleimani will include strikes on Haifa and Defense bases in Israel.


Dome of the rock??? Accidently bombed incoming!

Anonymous ID: 34cead Jan. 5, 2020, 10:45 a.m. No.7723346   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3448

Gun, ammo sales skyrocketing in Virginia as citizens arm up in anticipation of tyrannical gun confiscation efforts by insane, deranged Democrats


As much as Democrats hate guns, gun rights and the Second Amendment, they are the best marketers and sellers of firearms and firearms accessories around.


When Barack Obama was president, every time he brought up new control measures like an “assault weapons ban,” sales of those weapons would blast upward. That led some of us to believe that Obama, secretly, owned stock in American firearms makers.


Well, guns and ammo are selling like crazy again, this time in the state of Virginia and for a far more serious reason: Citizens there appear to be arming up for possible conflict with authorities.


With Virginia Democrats taking over all branches of state government, a firearms store owner in the state says sales of guns, magazines, and ammunition are up 200%, and more of his customers are paying in cash.


Why would it matter that Democrats now control all legislative branches of government in the state? Because since winning control in November, they have been promising to usher in a raft of new gun control laws including, but not limited to, gun confiscation schemes and “red flag” laws that violate the Fifth Amendment’s due process clause.


“This is the largest Christmas and November, December that we’ve had, basically, since Trump has come on board. The only other person that was a better salesman right now is when we had President Obama,” Jerry Rapp, owner of SpecDive Tactical, in Alexandria, told the website.


There hasn’t been quite the rush on guns during the current administration because President Trump has routinely spoken in support of the Second Amendment which, libs need reminding, is still part of the Constitution.


“Every time [Obama] turned around he was going to ban something or make something illegal. But even that isn’t even close to the amount of sales we’re selling right now of magazines, of guns, of every kind of gun from pistol, rifle, shotguns, to AR platforms” and ammunition, Rapp said. “We can’t keep it in stock.”

Democrats are also great authoritarians


It’s not just Virginia Democrats seeking to undermine the Second Amendment, Democrats in Congress are attempting to do the same thing. Freshman Rep. Jennifer Wexton, who was previously a Virginia state senator, has proposed a bill that would require the use of credit card data to track gun purchases. And while there’s not a snowball’s chance in Hades that it’s going to pass, news of her bill has nonetheless spread throughout Virginia.

Anonymous ID: 34cead Jan. 5, 2020, 10:47 a.m. No.7723364   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3519

Nearly 90% of Americans Are Now in Favor of Legalizing Marijuana


Nearly 90 percent of Americans are in favor of legalizing marijuana, according to a September study conducted by Pew Research. As Statista’s Maria Vultaggio notes, at 69 percent of approval, marijuana legalization was most common among 18 to 29 year olds.


At 12 percent, it was least common among Republicans.


On January 2, the governor of Kansas said she would likely sign a bill to legalize marijuana. Though Governor Laura Kelly wouldn’t advocate for the bill, she’s not opposed to it.


“I haven’t really decided what I would do. This is something where what the people want is probably more what I will want on something like that,” Kelly told WIBW.


“I don’t have a personal ideology regarding it. If the folks want it and the legislature passes it, would I sign it? Probably.”


Currently, recreational marijuana is legal in Alaska, California, Colorado, Illinois, Massachusetts, Maine, Michigan, Nevada, Oregon, Vermont, Washington and the District of Columbia.

Anonymous ID: 34cead Jan. 5, 2020, 10:52 a.m. No.7723423   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Secretary of State Defends US Presence in Iraq as Its Parliament Moves to Expel Troops


Secretary of State Mike Pompeo defended the U.S. military’s presence in Iraq following a resolution passed by Iraqi members of Parliament to expel foreign troops following the death of an Iranian general.


On Sunday, the country’s Parliament voted to pass a measure that would expel foreign troops after Prime Minister Adil Abdul-Mahdi called on members to act.


“As for the activity today with respect to Iraq, we’ve been in their country. We’ve been supporting Iraqi sovereignty. We’ve been continuing to take down the terrorist threat against the Iraqi people,” Pompeo told “Fox News Sunday.”


Iraq has been torn between its close relationship with Iran and its relationship with Washington after a drone strike killed Qassem Soleimani, the leader of Iran’s elite paramilitary forces and intelligence agency, at the Baghdad airport.


Pompeo dismissed the claim by Abdul-Mahdi, who resigned in November but then became the acting prime minister, and said he is under considerable pressure from Tehran.


“We are confident that the Iraqi people want the United States to continue to be there to fight the counterterror campaign, and we’ll continue to do all the things we need to do to keep America safe,” Pompeo said.


Soleimani’s death was prompted by a series of events in Iraq, which included the siege of the U.S. Embassy in Baghdad. President Donald Trump and other American officials linked that activity to Iran and Soleimani, which Iran has denied. Before, the United States targeted the Kataib Hezbollah militia group in response to a rocket attack on an Iraqi base that killed a U.S. citizen and American troops.

Anonymous ID: 34cead Jan. 5, 2020, 10:53 a.m. No.7723431   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3612 >>3734 >>3818

Muslim Population of England Exceeds Three Million For the First Time – Christians Continue to Decline


The Muslim population of England has just passed three million for the first time ever as the number of Christians decline.

The three million Muslims in England will only continue to exponentially increase because Muslim men are allowed to have multiple wives and each wife usually has five children.

In just the five years between 2011 and 2016, the number of Muslims living in England and Wales increased from 2.7 million to 3.14 million — that is over 400,000 people and roughly a 16% increase.


In 2016, an estimated 32.7 million people in England and Wales identified as Christian, down from 33.2 million, reported the Daily Mail.

The name “Mohammad” is in the 10 most popular baby boy names in England.

England is finished.

The Daily Mail reported:


The Muslim population of England has passed the three million mark for the first time, according to estimates prepared by Whitehall.

They said that Muslims are the fastest-growing faith group in the country – while allegiance to Christianity continues to decline.

The figures were produced by the Office for National Statistics as part of a research project to try for the first time to make regular assessments of the size of different ethnic and religious groups.

Until now religious and ethnic minority populations could be gauged only once a decade using the results of the full-scale ten-yearly national census.

According to the ONS assessment, Christians continue to decline in number, but the drop in allegiance to Christianity may be slowing.

Among other faith groups, the share of Hindus in the population has climbed slightly, while the proportion of Sikhs has fallen by a similar small amount.

The scale of the Jewish and Buddhist shares of the population have remained stable, the report said.

Anonymous ID: 34cead Jan. 5, 2020, 11:02 a.m. No.7723520   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3542 >>3662

Iraqi Prime Minister: Soleimani Arrived In Baghdad To Receive De-Escalation Proposal From Saudi Arabia. Trump Supported Initiative


On January 5, Iraqi Prime MinisterAdil Abdul-Mahdi reportedly provided additional details into the US assassination of the commander of the Iranian Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps’ Qods Force, Qassem Soleimani.


According to the available data, the Iranian commander arrived in Baghdad under an official request from Iraq. He was set to receive de-escalation proposals that Saudi Arabia sent to Iran via Iraq. US President Donald Trump allegedly supported this idea during a phone call with the Iraqi Prime Minister.


Therefore, the US supposedly used this initiative to set a trap for the Iranian military commander and assasinate him.


HINT:. President Donald Trump spoke over phone with Iraqi Prime Minister Adel Abdul Mahdi on December 31 after demonstrators stormed the U.S. Embassy in Baghdad.


If these developments are confirmed, this will be another indication of the destructive behaviour of the modern United States. Washington has been violating international laws and breaking deals that it signs on a regular basis. Now, any negotiations that involve or linked with the United States also may pose a threat to representatives of the parties involved.

Anonymous ID: 34cead Jan. 5, 2020, 11:07 a.m. No.7723558   🗄️.is 🔗kun

It’s the ‘Sleeper Cells’ Hiding in Congress Posing the Most Danger


Looks like some of us were bang-on in our predictions that the United Nations would move in to help the Democrats make the drone killing of terror mastermind Qassem Suleimani the latest President Donald Trump Impeachment cause:


“GENEVA, January 5, 2020 — In a tweet storm of more than two dozen posts, a top United Nations official declared the U.S. airstrike on Iranian terror mastermind Qassem Suleimani “unlawful,” saying it “violates international human rights law,” and she threatened U.S. officers with “criminal liability.” (Click here for links.


Agnes Callamard, the UN Human Rights Council’s Special Rapporteur on Extrajudicial Executions, also tweeted about “World War III” in a tweet calling on UN Secretary General Antonio Guterres to use “legal tools” against the United States. (UN Watch, Jan. 5, 2020)“Her reaction sharply contrasted with that of former UN chief Ban Ki-Moon, who following the U.S. killing of Osama bin Laden in 2011 said that he was “very much relieved by the news that justice has been done to such a mastermind of international terrorism.”


“Callamard’s tweet storm ignored Suleimani’s personal and ongoing role in directing terror attacks throughout the region, including the killing of more than 500,000 men, women and children in Syria, Iraq and Yemen,” said Executive Director, UN Watch, Hillel Neuer, “including many hundreds of protesters this year in Iraq and Iran.”


“If Bin Laden was a mastermind of international terrorism, as Ban Ki-moon noted, then Suleimani was the Olympic champion of masterminds of international terrorism.”


Courtesy of the the overbearing UN, the Democrats, whose Robert Mueller III Russian stole-the-election hoax and the Nancy Pelosi/Adam Schiff televised Impeachment ‘Inquiry’ ended in failure, have a new coup d’état to remove President Trump from office.


In other words, the Swamp has morphed into a veritable quagmire—just in time for Election 2020.


As Desperado Dems wait for the world’s biggest bureaucracy to do their dirty work, rumors that retaliation for Suleimani’s death will come from “sleeper cells” on American soil, are rife.


Folk seem to think of sleeper cells as the New York state ‘Islamberg’ one written about during the past decade, where jihadis in waiting train on outdoor target practice.


Not all sleeper cells on American soil are rudimentary camp-outs. Some operate in comfort zones, where target practice comes from media hits, and where junior staffers make coffee runs for elected officials.


Overlooked sleeper cells are comprised by members in elected office, such as “Squad” sisters Ilhan Omar, Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez and Rashida Tlaib.

Anonymous ID: 34cead Jan. 5, 2020, 11:25 a.m. No.7723713   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Cdl Burke: Vatican’s global pact for ‘new humanism’ promotes one-world gov’t, opposes Christ’s Kingship


'There is an effort to dull people’s consciousness about the Kingship of Our Lord Jesus Christ as it is proclaimed in the Gospel.'


LA CROSSE, Wisconsin, January 3, 2020 (LifeSiteNews) – Cardinal Raymond Burke is calling on faithful Catholics to “stand up and give witness to the truth” of Jesus Christ’s Kingship in the face of the rise of Islam as well as the Vatican’s push for a "global pact" that will, in the words of Pope Francis, “create a new humanism.”


The cardinal, who is the patron of the Sovereign Military Order of Malta and Prefect Emeritus of the Vatican's highest court (known as the Apostolic Signatura), was asked by The Wanderer in a wide-ranging interview published Dec. 26 to comment on Pope Francis hosting an event at the Vatican in May 2020 with the theme “Reinventing the Global Educational Alliance.”


The Wanderer asked the following question: “In launching the initiative, the Holy Father said: ‘A global educational pact is needed to educate us in universal solidarity and a new humanism.’ What is the impetus behind this meeting and what is likely to be accomplished? It sounds like an event to promote a one-world government.”


Burke replied: “It is. All of these things are connected. With the spread of Islam, especially in Europe but also in the United States, there is an effort to dull people’s consciousness about the Kingship of Our Lord Jesus Christ as it is proclaimed in the Gospel. This is an area where the faithful must especially stand up and give witness to the truth.”


“It is my understanding that there are other initiatives that are attempting to teach the Abu Dhabi document in schools. This is troubling. It is similar to what happened in the whole area of sex education in recent generations,” he added.


It was in September that Pope Francis announced he will be hosting in 2020 an initiative for a “global pact” to “create a new humanism.”


According to a Vatican statement issued at that time, the Pope invited representatives of the main religions, international organizations and various humanitarian institutions, as well as key figures from the world of politics, economics and academia, and prominent athletes, scientists and sociologists to sign a “Global Pact on Education” so as to “hand on to younger generations a united and fraternal common home.”

Anonymous ID: 34cead Jan. 5, 2020, 11:26 a.m. No.7723725   🗄️.is 🔗kun

CA residents now face daily $1,000 fine for showering, doing laundry on same day


Californians who like to be clean and wear clean clothes can now face a daily $1,000 fine, thanks to a new state law.


Residents are restricted to only using 55 gallons of water per day, attorney Richard Lee told KTLA when reviewing laws taking effect Jan. 1.


“Doing a load of laundry takes about 40 to 50 gallons of water,” Lee said.


“Taking a shower for about 8 minutes takes about 17 gallons of water,” he said, adding the combination of the two would put a single resident in violation.


Lee said the fine will be $1,000 for each day a resident is in violation.


An anchor demanded to know who made the law. It’s not clear why KTLA didn’t cover it as it was being considered in the legislature, which is overwhelmingly Democrat.


Lee really blew the anchors away when he told them if the governor declares a drought emergency, the daily fines increase to $10,000.


“So all of a sudden I can smoke marijuana as much as I want, but I can’t take a shower,” one observed.

