i will read 100, if you still need readers
1700 to 1800 will!
fair housing & equal opportunity
65,3000,000 held until sept. 30,2019
no lobbying of government for contract, grant or loan.
300,000 set aside for those requiring help with english.
lead hazard reduction program.
lead hazard reduction program
230,000,000 held until sept. 30,2019
45,000,000 shall be for the healthy homes initiative.
for education and outreach concerning lead based paints.
no less than 95,000,00 to be provided to areas with the great lead based paint abatement needs.
Information technology Fund
267,000,000, of which 250,000,00 to be held until sept 30 2019.
any amount, transferred to this fund shall remain until expended.not more than ten percent may be appropriated before the secretary applies to congress for approval of projects
office of the Inspector General
128,082,000 provided that the Inspector General shall have independent authority over all personnel issues in this office.
general provisions housing and urban development
SEC. 201. Fifty percent of the amounts of budget au-
8 thority, or in lieu thereof 50 percent of the cash amounts
9 associated with such budget authority, that are recaptured
10 from projects described in section 1012(a) of the Stewart
11 B. McKinney Homeless Assistance Amendments Act of
12 1988 (42 U.S.C. 1437f note) shall be rescinded or in the
13 case of cash, shall be remitted to the Treasury, and such
14 amounts of budget authority or cash recaptured and not
15 rescinded or remitted to the Treasury shall be used by
16 State housing finance agencies or local governments or
17 local housing agencies with projects approved by the Sec18 retary of Housing and Urban Development for which set19 tlement occurred after January 1, 1992, in accordance
20 with such section. Notwithstanding the previous sentence,
21 the Secretary may award up to 15 percent of the budget
22 authority or cash recaptured and not rescinded or remitted
23 to the Treasury to provide project owners with incentives
24 to refinance their project at a lower interest rate
SEC. 202. None of the amounts made available under
2 this Act may be used during fiscal year 2018 to investigate
3 or prosecute under the Fair Housing Act any otherwise
4 lawful activity engaged in by one or more persons, including the filing or maintaining of a non-frivolous legal action,
6 that is engaged in solely for the purpose of achieving or
7 preventing action by a Government official or entity, or
8 a court of competent jurisdiction.