Anonymous ID: 84097d Jan. 5, 2020, 12:11 p.m. No.7724107   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4303



Antifa is funded by the jew commies from 1915 til now. Period.


MB was funded by Hitler to take out the commie jews. Mussolini fucked up attacking Ethiopia in 1934 and pissed off the muzzies so it never came to fruition.


The MB has persisted though, and are doing their best to infiltrate the west.


Theory is Mos is funding them to bring about the 'Apocalypse' end time scenario so they can build their turd temple.


Start from here: Everything you learned in school and on the talmudvision and (((hollywood))) is have true and half lies.

The enemy of freedom controls both sides of the coin as best they can.